Uncover the Best Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Bugs and Build Your Ultimate Campsite


Do you enjoy playing Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp? If so, you might have encountered some pesky bugs that can affect your gameplay experience. These insects are not only frustrating, but they can also hinder your progress in the game. But don't fret! This article will guide you on how to deal with these annoying critters.

First and foremost, let's talk about the most common bug in the game - the emperor butterfly. This beautiful butterfly can be found flying around flowers, but it can also be sneaky and hide behind trees or objects. Make sure to check every nook and cranny if you're having trouble finding one.

If you're trying to catch a tarantula or scorpion, you might encounter another type of bug - the mole cricket. This underground insect can be heard chirping loudly, but finding it can be tricky. Make sure to pay attention to the sound and dig carefully using your shovel.

Have you ever tried catching a fish, only for it to suddenly disappear? This could be caused by a rare bug known as the diving beetle. It can swim faster than most fish, making it challenging to catch. To make things more frustrating, it will swim away if you get too close.

Another insect that can affect your fishing is the dragonfly. This fast-flying bug can distract the fish, causing them to swim away from your bait. If you're having trouble catching a fish, make sure to scare off any nearby dragonflies first.

Now, let's move on to gardening. If you're trying to grow blue roses, you might encounter aphids. These small insects can harm your plants and lower their quality. To get rid of them, you can use insect repellent or ask your friends for help in watering your garden.

If you're playing during the winter season, you might find your trees covered in snow. But beware, as there might be a snowflake bug hiding underneath the snow. This bug can be tricky to spot, so make sure to shake every tree carefully.

One bug that can cause frustration in completing events is the beady-eyed looper. This bug can chew on your flowers and ruin their appearance, lowering your chances of earning event points. To prevent this, keep an eye out for any suspicious-looking bugs lurking around your flowerbeds.

If you're trying to catch a specific fish or insect, it's essential to know their spawning times. For example, the rare golden trout only appears during certain hours of the day. Make sure to plan your gameplay accordingly and avoid wasting your time waiting for a creature that won't spawn yet.

Lastly, always remember to talk to your fellow campers. They might have some valuable tips or warnings about any bugs in the area. Plus, it never hurts to have some new friends to play with!

By following these tips, you'll be able to tackle any bug-related challenges in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. Don't let these insects get in the way of your relaxed island life - grab your net, shovel, and insect repellent, and start catching!


Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a popular game that has taken the mobile gaming world by storm. The game is all about building and decorating your own campsite, making new friends with cute and cuddly animals, and completing various tasks to earn rewards.

However, like any other game, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is not without its fair share of bugs and glitches. In this blog, we will discuss some of the common bugs that players have encountered while playing this exciting game.

Connection Issues

The most common bug that players of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp encounter is connection issues. Players often experience sudden disconnections from the game, preventing them from saving their progress or accessing certain features. Some players have reported issues with Wi-Fi connections, while others have experienced problems with mobile data.

If you are experiencing connection issues, try switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data. You can also try restarting your device and the game itself.

Freezing and Crashing

Another common bug in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is freezing and crashing. Players often encounter this bug while loading the game or switching between menus. This can be frustrating, especially if the game automatically closes or crashes without warning.

If you encounter this issue, try clearing the cache and data of the app. You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling the app to see if that fixes the issue.

Missing Items and Characters

Some players have complained about missing items and characters in the game. This bug prevents players from accessing certain areas or completing quests that require a specific item or character. While this issue isn't as common as connection issues or crashing, it is still frustrating for players who encounter it.

If you encounter this issue, try restarting the game and checking your inventory or character list to see if the item or character is there. If not, there may be a bug in the game that is preventing you from accessing it. You can report this bug to the developers by sending a support ticket.

Auto-Saving Issues

One of the main features of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is the auto-save function, which is supposed to save your progress automatically. However, some players have reported issues with this feature, such as losing their progress after restarting the game or closing it abruptly.

If you encounter this issue, try manually saving your progress by using the Save button in the menu before leaving the game. You can also try turning off the auto-save feature in the game settings.

Inventory Issues

Some players have reported bugs with their inventory, such as items disappearing or duplicating without explanation. This can be frustrating, especially if you've spent a lot of time and resources collecting certain items.

If you encounter this issue, try restarting the game and checking your inventory to see if the missing item has returned or the duplicate item has disappeared. You can also try sending a support ticket to the developers to report the bug.


While Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is an enjoyable game with adorable creatures and beautiful graphics, it is prone to bugs and glitches like any other game. However, by following the tips and tricks in this blog, you can minimize the impact of these bugs and continue enjoying the game to the fullest!

Comparison: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Bugs


Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a popular mobile game that features a wide array of animal characters and activities. One of the most engaging aspects of the game is catching bugs, which can be sold for Bells or displayed in the player's personal collection. In this article, we will compare and contrast some of the different types of bugs available in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, including their appearance, behavior, rarity, and value.

Fruit Beetles vs. Tiger Beetles

Fruit Beetles and Tiger Beetles are both common bugs that can be found in the game. Fruit Beetles are small and green with shiny, metallic wings. They can be found on fruit and hardwood trees during the day. Tiger Beetles, on the other hand, are larger and more brightly colored with long, spindly legs. They are also active during the day but can be easily scared away if approached too quickly. While Fruit Beetles are worth 100 Bells each, Tiger Beetles are worth 150 Bells.

Honeybees vs. Mosquitoes

Honeybees and Mosquitoes are two bug species that could not be more different from one another. Honeybees are fuzzy, friendly, and beneficial to plant life, while Mosquitoes are pesky and annoying. In the game, Honeybees can be found flying around flowers during the day and are worth 200 Bells each. Mosquitoes, however, are more active during the night and are worth a mere 130 Bells. Additionally, Mosquitoes have a nasty habit of giving the player character itchy bites if they are not careful!

Agrias Butterflies vs. Emperor Butterflies

Agrias Butterflies and Emperor Butterflies are two of the most beautiful and sought-after bugs in the game. Agrias Butterflies have vibrant blue and green wings with bold stripes, while Emperor Butterflies are larger and have bright yellow and black markings. Both species can be caught during the day and are worth a whopping 3,000 Bells each. However, Agrias Butterflies are more rare and harder to catch than Emperor Butterflies, making them a prized addition to any bug collection.

Stag Beetles vs. Goliath Beetles

Stag Beetles and Goliath Beetles are both impressive-looking bugs with unique characteristics. Stag Beetles are large and have long, curved mandibles that resemble deer antlers. They can be found on hardwood trees during the day and are worth 2,000 Bells each. Goliath Beetles, on the other hand, are some of the largest bugs in the game, with bodies that can reach up to four inches long. They are also worth 6,000 Bells each, making them some of the most valuable bugs in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp.


In conclusion, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp offers players a diverse selection of bugs to catch and collect. Each species has its own unique features, behaviors, and value, making bug-catching an entertaining part of the overall gaming experience. Whether you prefer chasing after rare and beautiful butterflies or hunting down peculiar and quirky beetles, there is something for every avid Animal Crossing player to discover in the world of Pocket Camp.

Tips and Tricks to Catching Bugs in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp


Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a fun and addicting game where you get to create your own campsite and interact with cute animal characters. One of the main activities in the game is catching bugs which can be used to complete tasks, trade with villagers or earn bells. In this article, we will be sharing some tips and tricks on catching bugs in Pocket Camp.

Know Your Bugs

Before you start catching bugs, it is important to understand the different types of bugs that exist in the game. There are two categories of bugs: Rare and Common. Rare bugs tend to sell for more bells and are required to complete special tasks, while common bugs can be easily found and sold for a decent price.

Common Bugs

Some common bugs found in Pocket Camp include ladybugs, butterflies, fireflies, ants, and pill bugs. They can be found all around the campsite, particularly near flowers and trees.

Rare Bugs

Rare bugs are harder to find and usually require specific conditions to appear. Some examples of rare bugs are stinkbugs, beetles, and spiders. They are typically found in specific areas of the campsite and require certain weather conditions or time of day to appear.

Time to Catch Bugs

Knowing when to catch bugs is just as important as knowing the types of bugs available. During different times of the day, you can find different types of bugs. For example, butterflies can be found during the day while fireflies are only visible at night. Be sure to check in at different times of the day to find the variety of bugs you need to complete your tasks.

Level Up Your Net

In order to increase your chances of catching rare bugs, you will need to upgrade your net. The higher the level of your net, the easier it will be to catch the more elusive critters in Pocket Camp. You can upgrade your net by completing tasks, talking to villagers and spending resources you have earned.

Dress Appropriately

Wearing clothes with pockets or using a basket will help you carry more bugs at once. This means you will spend less time running back and forth to sell your bugs to gain bells.

Have a Plan

Before you start catching bugs, know what you need and have a plan in mind. Check your task list and see which rare bugs you need before you set off to hunt. This helps you stay organized and find the rare bugs you need quickly.

Use Your Items

There are items in Pocket Camp that can help you find bugs or lure them to you. For instance, the honey, flower, and fruit can attract bugs to where you are at in the campsite. Similarly, the shovel can help you uncover underground bugs such as pill bugs.

Keep an Eye on the Weather

Certain bugs only appear during specific weather conditions. For example, spiders are most likely to come out during rainy days while cicadas tend to appear during humid sunny days. Be sure to check the weather forecast in Pocket Camp to increase your chances of finding rare bugs.

Use Your Market Box

If you want to earn even more bells from your bugs, try selling them through your market box. When other players buy your insects, they are willing to pay a higher price than what the resident's services offer. This is a great way to make extra bells and help other players who may need those rare bugs.


Now that you know some tips and tricks for catching bugs in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, you can improve your skills and earn more rewards. By understanding the different types of bugs, upgrading your net, and using items such as honey or fruit, you are sure to catch that elusive rare bug in no time. Remember to check in at different times of day and keep an eye on the weather to increase your chances even further. Have fun exploring the campsite, and happy hunting!

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Bugs - Tips and Tricks for Dealing with Them

If you're an avid Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp player, then you know that the game is full of cute and colorful creatures from around the world. However, as with any game, there are bound to be some bugs from time to time. In this blog post, we'll go over some tips and tricks for dealing with Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp bugs.

First and foremost, make sure you're keeping your game up-to-date. Whenever there's a new update available, download it as soon as possible. These updates often include bug fixes, so staying on top of them can help prevent issues from arising in the first place.

If you do encounter a bug, the first step is to report it to the game's developers. You can do this by going to the Settings menu and selecting Feedback. From there, you can submit a bug report and provide any details you think might be relevant (such as what you were doing when the bug occurred).

Another option is to search online for any known workarounds or solutions for the particular bug you're experiencing. The Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp community is very active, and there are many forums, subreddits, and other resources dedicated to the game. You may even find that other players have experienced the same issue and have found a way to fix it.

Of course, prevention is always better than cure. One thing you can do to avoid bugs is to make sure you're not overloading the game. If you have a lot of items in your inventory or on your campsite, try to streamline things a bit. Keep only what you really need, and store the rest or sell it off.

Sometimes bugs can occur when you're visiting other players' campsites. If you notice any issues while at someone else's campsite, try to take note of what might be causing the problem. For example, if you see a lot of objects in one particular area, it may be that the game is struggling to render them all properly. Avoiding areas like this can help prevent bugs from occurring.

Another thing you can do to prevent bugs is to simply take breaks from the game. If you're playing for long periods of time without stopping, it's possible that temp files and other data may be getting clogged up in the game's memory. Taking a break every now and then can help clear things out and reduce the risk of bugs.

If you do encounter a particularly stubborn bug that just won't go away no matter what you try, you may need to consider uninstalling and reinstalling the game. This should wipe out any corrupt or problematic data and give you a fresh start. Of course, make sure to save your progress before doing this!

In conclusion, while Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp bugs can be frustrating, they don't have to ruin your gaming experience. By staying on top of updates, reporting bugs, and taking steps to prevent issues from arising in the first place, you can minimize their impact. And if all else fails, remember that there's always a community of players out there who are willing to help.

Thank you for reading our tips and tricks for dealing with Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp bugs. We hope you found them helpful!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Bugs

What types of bugs can I catch in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp?

There are various types of bugs that you can catch in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, including but not limited to:

  • Butterflies
  • Moths
  • Beetles
  • Ants
  • Spiders

Why do some bugs disappear from my inventory in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp?

In some cases, bugs in your inventory may disappear due to a bug in the game itself. This issue has been reported by many players and the developers are working on resolving it. However, there are also certain bugs that have expiration dates and will disappear after a certain amount of time.

How do I catch rare bugs in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp?

Catching rare bugs in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp can be a challenge, but there are certain things you can do to increase your chances:

  1. Visit different locations at different times of the day.
  2. Check the weather forecast and catch bugs that appear during specific weather conditions.
  3. Plant flowers that attract rare bugs.
  4. Use specific types of bait to attract certain bugs.

What should I do if I encounter a bug in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp?

If you encounter a bug in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, report it to the game's developers immediately. You can do this by sending a message through the game's support page or by posting about it on social media.