Say Goodbye to Your Mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf with this Easy Guide to Delete Your Character


Animal Crossing New Leaf is undoubtedly one of the most popular games around the world. It's a game where you can live in a virtual world filled with cute and adorable animals. The latest version of the game, Animal Crossing New Leaf has added new features to enhance its user's gameplay experience. One of these features is the ability to Delete Mayor. In this article, we will talk about how to delete the mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf.

Are you tired of playing as the same mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf? Do you want to start over with a different character? Worry not! With the Delete Mayor feature, you can easily remove the existing mayor and start fresh with a new one.

But how do you Delete Mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf? The process is quite simple. All you need to do is follow these steps. Firstly, start the game and proceed to the main menu. Then, press A, B, X, and Y buttons simultaneously to delete the current mayor. Once done, you will be asked if you are sure about deleting the mayor. Click yes, and the mayor will be deleted, giving you the option to create a new one.

The best part about this feature is that if you don't like the new mayor, you can always delete them and create another one. However, keep in mind that deleting the mayor will also delete any progress made by that character.

If you're worried about losing all your hard work and progress, don't be! You can still retain your town and items even after deleting the mayor.

In addition to that, if you have friends who play Animal Crossing New Leaf and would like to reclaim their old town, you can let them do so by deleting their mayors.

Statistics show that more than 12 million copies of Animal Crossing New Leaf have been sold worldwide. With such a significant number of players, it's no surprise that many are looking for ways to delete their mayors.

Deleting the mayor can be useful for many reasons. For instance, if you've made a mistake with your town planning or accidentally deleted something important, starting again with a new mayor could be an excellent opportunity to correct those mistakes and create a better town.

In conclusion, Animal Crossing New Leaf has added a cool feature that lets you delete your mayor and start fresh with a new character. Follow the steps mentioned above, and you'll be good to go! Don't be afraid to experiment with different characters and create the perfect town that suits your taste. So why wait, hit that Delete Mayor button, and let the adventure begin!

A Guide on How to Delete Your Mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf

Animal Crossing New Leaf is a popular life simulation game that allows players to create and manage their own town. One of the features of the game is the ability to become the mayor of your town and make important decisions for your community. However, there may come a time where you no longer want to be the mayor and want to start fresh. In this article, we will discuss how to delete your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf.

Why Delete Your Mayor?

There can be various reasons why you would want to delete your mayor. You may have made some poor decisions that negatively affected your town, or you want to create a new town with different villagers and features. Whatever the reason may be, deleting your mayor will allow you to start anew and have a fresh experience with the game.

Backing Up Your Data

Before beginning the process of deleting your mayor, it is essential to backup your data. This will ensure that you do not lose any progress or valuable items you have obtained in your town. To back up your data, go to the main menu of your Nintendo 3DS and select System Settings. From there, select Data Management and then Save Data Backup. Choose the Animal Crossing New Leaf option and follow the prompts to backup your data to an SD card.

Deleting Your Mayor

Once you have backed up your data, you can begin the process of deleting your mayor. When the game first starts up, press and hold the A, B, X, and Y buttons simultaneously. This will prompt a message asking if you want to delete your mayor. Select Yes, and you will be taken to the title screen. From here, you can start a new game as a new character and create a new town.

Starting a New Game

When starting a new game, take the time to plan out what kind of town you want to create. Think about the types of villagers you want, the location of your home, and any special features you may want to include. Once you have created your new character and town, you can transfer any items or bells you obtained in your old town to your new one using the save data backup feature.

Final Thoughts

Deleting your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf is a straightforward process that can breathe new life into the game. Before doing so, make sure to backup your data to avoid losing any progress or valuable items. Take the time to plan out your new town and create a unique experience for yourself. Who knows, you may even discover a new favorite villager or activity!

Overall, deleting your mayor is an exciting opportunity to start fresh and create a new town full of possibilities. Use this guide to help you get started and enjoy all that Animal Crossing New Leaf has to offer.

Animal Crossing New Leaf: Delete Mayor Comparison


Animal Crossing is a series of life simulation games developed and published by Nintendo. The latest installment, Animal Crossing New Leaf, was released for the Nintendo 3DS in June 2013. The game revolves around managing a village inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. Players can become the mayor of the village and have the power to make decisions regarding town development. Recently, a feature was added to allow players to delete their mayor, which raises the question: what happens to the village after the mayor is deleted?

Deleting Your Mayor

The option to delete your mayor was added in the Welcome Amiibo update. To do this, players need to speak to Isabelle at the main menu and select delete save data. This will permanently remove the player's mayor and reset the game to its original state. Before making this decision, it's important to consider the consequences.

The Villagers

One of the main consequences of deleting your mayor is losing the relationships you've built with the other villagers. Each villager has a unique personality and will respond differently to the player's actions. Over time, players can build friendships with the villagers and even receive gifts or letters from them. If the mayor is deleted, all of these relationships will be lost and players will have to start over.

Villager Relationships Chart

Villager Likes Dislikes
Bob Fishing, Music Sports, Fitness
Alice Flowers, Fashion Insects, Dirt
Hamlet Fruit, Comedy Reading, Writing

The Town

Another consequence of deleting the mayor is losing the progress made in town development. As mayor, players can build public works projects such as fountains or bridges, as well as customize the town flag and theme. If the mayor is deleted, all of this progress will be lost and players will have to start over.

Town Development Chart

Project Cost Description
Clock Tower 1,000,000 bells A tall tower that tells time
Stone Tablet 500,000 bells A stone monument with a message
Cobblestone Bridge 128,000 bells A bridge made of cobblestone

Starting Over

Starting over can be daunting, but it also presents an opportunity to experience the game in a new way. Players can choose a different name and appearance for their character, and the village layout will be randomized. While relationships and progress will be lost, players can use their previous knowledge to make better decisions and create a more efficient town.


Overall, deleting your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf is a drastic decision that should be carefully considered. While it may seem tempting to start fresh, the consequences of losing relationships and progress can be significant. However, starting over can also be an exciting challenge for players who want to experience the game in a new way. Ultimately, the decision whether or not to delete your mayor depends on personal preference and play style.

Deleting Your Mayor in Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Animal Crossing: New Leaf features an adorable little town where the player becomes mayor and takes care of its residents. The game is fantastic and highly addictive, but there may come a time when you want to delete your mayor and start fresh. This tutorial will guide you through the process of deleting your mayor.

Step 1: Backup Your Save Data

Before you start deleting your mayor, make sure to backup your save data. This ensures that you don't lose all the progress you've made in the game so far. You can do this by opening up the Nintendo 3DS menu, selecting the System Settings option, and then selecting Data Management. From there, select Save Data Backup and follow the instructions.

Step 2: Loading Your Town

Once you've backed up your save data, open up Animal Crossing: New Leaf and load up your town. Once you're in your town, talk to Isabelle at the town hall to save your game. From there, exit the game and turn off your Nintendo 3DS.

Step 3: Start A New Game

Start back up Animal Crossing: New Leaf and create a brand new game file. Make sure to put this new game file in a different slot than your previous save. Once you've created your new game file, save your progress and exit the game.

Step 4: Delete Your Old Mayor

Now it's time to delete your old mayor. To do this, hold down the A, B, X, and Y buttons on your Nintendo 3DS while the game is loading. You'll see a warning message pop up asking if you want to delete your save data. Select Delete and your old mayor will be gone forever.

Step 5: Restore Your Town

Once you've deleted your old mayor, it's time to restore your town. Open up Animal Crossing: New Leaf again and select the option to continue playing as your new mayor. Talk to Isabelle at the town hall and select the Restore a Save option. Follow the instructions to restore your backup save data.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Fresh Start

That's it! You've successfully deleted your old mayor and started a new game in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Enjoy your fresh start and have fun building up your new town.

Tips for Starting a New Game

1. Try out a different personality type for your new mayor to switch things up.2. Buy some new furniture and clothing to give your town a new look.3. Experiment with different landscaping and outdoor designs.4. Make an effort to talk to your villagers every day to build up friendships.5. Take advantage of all the new events and updates that have been added since you last played.


Deleting your mayor in Animal Crossing: New Leaf isn't difficult, but it's important to back up your save data before doing so. With these simple steps, you can start a new game and enjoy a fresh start in your town. Have fun!

Animal Crossing New Leaf Delete Mayor: A Comprehensive Guide

Animal Crossing New Leaf is an outstanding game that has gained a massive following around the world. It's unlike anything else out there, and the gameplay is so addictive that it's easy to lose hours – or even days – exploring your little town and hanging out with your neighbors. But what if you've decided that it's time to start over? Maybe you want a fresh start or just want to try something new. Whatever the reason, deleting your mayor can seem like a daunting task. But don't worry; we're here to help.

The first thing to know is that once you delete your mayor, your town will be wiped clean. All the residents, buildings, and items you've collected will go away, and you'll need to start over from scratch. But if you're okay with that, here's how to delete your mayor:

The first step is to start up your game. Once it's loaded, open the title screen and press A to get to the main menu. From there, select the option to Start a New Game. At this point, you'll see a message warning you that all your current data will be erased if you proceed. If you're sure you want to do this, confirm by pressing Yes.

Next, you'll be asked to select a new name for your character, gender, and birthday. Choose these options as you want them and continue until you get to the screen where you're prompted to choose your town's initial layout.

This is where you'll pick your new community's layout. There are four available options, so choose the one you like. Afterward, the game will ask if you're happy with your choice. Confirm it by selecting Yes if you are.

At this point, the game will prompt you to make a few more customization decisions. For instance, you may be asked to select your favorite color or style of carpeting and wallpaper.

Finally, it's time to name your new town. Choose a name that you haven't used before so that there isn't any confusion later on when you start playing with friends. Make sure it's something that feels right for you because you'll be calling it home for a long time.

When you're happy with all your choices, click Create Town. As soon as you do, the game will save, and your old data will be erased. Your character is now the mayor of a brand new community, which means you can start fresh and begin building your town from scratch.

We hope this guide has helped you if you've been wondering how to delete your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf. Sometimes, starting over can be a daunting experience, but it can also be just the thing you need to regain your enthusiasm for the game. We encourage you to take your time with your new community, try different things, and most importantly, have fun!

Remember, deleting your mayor means that everything you've collected, like bugs, fish, furniture, and clothes, will be gone forever. You won't be able to get them back, and neither will you be able to retrieve any of your old villagers. However, this also means that you can now invite brand new characters to move into your town, buy brand new furniture, decorate in a new style, and much more.

You may want to share this guide with your Animal Crossing-loving friends who may also be considering restarting their games. It's always helpful to know what to expect before wiping everything clean.

In conclusion, deleting your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf can be a bit scary, but it's ultimately a rewarding experience. With a new town at your disposal, you'll be able to explore different aspects of the game that you may have missed before. So, grab your fishing rod and bug net, start catching bugs and fish, and create a beautiful new world all for you and your villagers to enjoy!

We hope you've found this guide helpful and informative, and we wish you the best of luck with your new town!

People Also Ask about Animal Crossing New Leaf Delete Mayor

What happens when you delete your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

Deleting your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf will erase all saved data for that character, including any items, bells, and progress made on the island. It will also remove any QR codes or design patterns created by the player. Other villagers and structures on the island will remain, but they will be under the control of a new mayor.

Can you transfer items to a new mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

No, it is not possible to transfer items from one mayor character to another in Animal Crossing New Leaf. When a new mayor is created, they will begin with a fresh inventory and will have to collect items and resources themselves.

How do you delete your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

To delete your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Open the game and select the mayor character from the title screen.
  2. Speak to Isabelle at the town hall and select Delete Save Data.
  3. Confirm that you want to delete the data and follow the prompts to complete the process.

What happens to your house when you delete your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

When you delete your mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf, your house will be removed from the island along with any furniture and belongings inside it. Any outstanding mortgage payments will also be forfeited, and the player will start fresh with a new house upon creating a new mayor character.