Revamp Your Perception: These 10 Animals Desperately Need a Facelift!


Animals come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are cute and cuddly, while others are terrifying. However, despite their uniqueness, there are some animals that could use a facelift. Yes, you read that right, a facelift! Just like us humans, animals can also benefit from a little bit of cosmetic improvement.

So which animals are we talking about? Well, there are quite a few actually. Let's take a look at some of them.

The first animal that comes to mind is the proboscis monkey. While these primates are incredibly fascinating, with their long noses and potbellies, their faces could definitely use some work. With their droopy eyes and wrinkled skin, they look as if they've seen better days.

Another animal that could use a facelift is the naked mole rat. Not only do they have no fur, but their wrinkled skin makes them look like they're constantly frowning. A facelift could do wonders for their self-confidence.

Now, let's talk about the axolotl. These little guys are cute, but their permanently gaped open mouths make them look a bit derpy. A facelift could give them the ability to close their mouths and look a little more sophisticated.

And who can forget about the blobfish? While their unique appearance has made them quite popular on the internet, their saggy, droopy skin could use a little firming up. A facelift could make them look more presentable and professional.

Aside from these specific animals, there are also entire species that could use a facelift. For example, many species of amphibians have warts, bumps, and blemishes that make them unappealing to look at. A little bit of cosmetic work could do wonders for their attractiveness and popularity.

Now, you might be thinking, Why would we need to give animals facelifts? Aren't they fine just the way they are? While it's true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are several reasons why we should consider improving the appearances of certain animals.

Firstly, animals that look cute or adorable are more likely to be adopted or cared for by humans. This is especially important for species that are endangered or threatened. A little bit of cosmetic work could be the difference between life and death for these animals.

Secondly, improving the appearances of animals could also improve their quality of life. Animals that look unappealing may be avoided by potential mates, which could lead to loneliness and a lack of reproduction. By improving their appearances, we could help them find love and companionship.

Lastly, giving animals facelifts could simply make us feel better about ourselves. We often project our own values and insecurities onto animals, and improving their appearances could give us a sense of control and satisfaction over our environment.

So there you have it, a case for why some animals could use a facelift. Of course, we must consider the ethics and ramifications of such practices, but it's worth thinking about. Who knows, maybe one day we'll see a proboscis monkey with a perfectly smooth face and a smile on their lips.

Many people elect to undergo plastic surgery to improve their physical appearance, but what about animals? As time has passed, some animals have had the opportunity to receive a few cosmetic enhancements, but there are still several creatures that can use a facelift. In this article, we will discuss various animals that could benefit from cosmetic procedures.


Elephants are majestic creatures that have a distinct appearance, but their trunks can sometimes appear wrinkly and worn. As elephants age, they naturally develop wrinkles and sagging skin in certain areas. A procedure like facelifts or fillers could be implemented to reduce these wrinkles and sagging skin. Additionally, their ears also tend to droop as they age, which could benefit from cosmetically-enhancing procedures.

Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are lovable companions that bring joy to so many families, but they can experience issues with their coats as they age. These dogs are very prone to developing tumors under their skin, which can cause bald patches or cause their fur to fall out. Cosmetic surgeries such as hair transplants or skin grafts could be made available to give these beloved pups their beautiful fur back.


Monkeys, especially those at zoos or other animal sanctuaries, can show signs of aging just like humans do. Their faces can often become loose and lined with wrinkles, which could be altered using treatments such as Botox. This would help diminish any fine lines that may be present on the monkey's face.


Penguins are known for their unique waddling walk and adorable tuxedo-like appearance, but their feathers can become disheveled and rough over time. There aren't too many solutions for helping out penguins in this situation, but a moisturizing treatment or feather cleaning could improve their overall appearance.


Giraffes have unique spot patterns on their skin that help them blend into their environment, but they are also prone to lesion development that can discolor their beautiful hides. Something like laser treatment could be used to target the affected areas and even out the pigmentation of their skin.


Rhinoceroses have tough skin that protects them from predators, but it can also wrinkle and sag over time. Wrinkles can be reduced using treatments like collagen injections and chemical peels. Additionally, rhinos can experience issues with their horns, which often bear cracks and lesions. Using filler treatment or reconstruction can solve these problems.


Pugs are affectionate and cute dogs who also experience issues with aging. Similar to Golden Retrievers, they are very susceptible to tumor development, which can lead to hair loss and unsightly scarring. In addition, pugs are also known to have wrinkles on their faces, which can be smoothed out using Botox treatments.


Like pugs, ferrets have delicate skin that wrinkles and becomes saggy as they get older. Their ears can droop and become injured too easily. Facelifts and other non-invasive surgical techniques can tighten their skin and lift their ears to enhance their looks.


Hippos look like they're always smiling, but sometimes they need help taking care of their teeth. Dental implants helped many aging humans by compensating for lost teeth roots and providing better holding power for dentures, too. Similarly, dental implants and other oral care treatments would benefit hippos as they get older.


Chimpanzees have a strong resemblance to humans with their facial features and expressions. Like monkeys, their faces can wrinkle and sag due to aging. Skin tightening procedures like facelifts, fillers, and Botox injections can help them revive and restore the tight and youthful appearance of their faces.


It's essential to note that there are many different types of animals in the world, and most have unique traits that make up their true beauty. However, animals that have undergone significant environmental stress or aging often require cosmetic interventions to keep them healthy and looking their best. Facilities across the globe are working tirelessly to improve the lives of animals that need an uplift, from plastic surgeries to alternative treatments. So, if you're someone who loves animals and want to see them thrive, look into the facilities working to improve animal lives by donating your resources or volunteering your time.

Animal That Could Use A Facelift


When we speak of a facelift, we are referring to a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at improving one's facial appearance. However, some animals need a natural facelift that rejuvenates their looks and ensures they maintain their natural beauty. In this article, we explore animals that could use a facelift and what can be done to ensure they look their best.

Bald eagle vs. Golden eagle

The bald eagle and the golden eagle are both iconic birds of prey that represent strength, power, and freedom. While the bald eagle is known for its white head and tail feathers, the golden eagle is recognized by its brown and gold feathers. However, as majestic as these birds are, they could use a touch-up on their faces to make them more aesthetically pleasing. The bald eagle, for instance, has a hooked beak that could use some resizing for a better facial profile, while the golden eagle could use a bit more coloration to accentuate its face.

Rhinoceros vs. Hippopotamus

Rhinoceros and hippopotamus are two mammals with tough skin and massive bodies. While the rhinoceros has a horn on its nose, the hippopotamus has an elongated mouth. Both animals could use a better facial appearance to enhance their beauty. The rhinoceros could benefit from a reduction in the size of their horn to make it proportionate to their body size, while the hippopotamus could do well with some improved dentition to perfect its already alluring smile.

Kangaroo vs. Wallaby

Kangaroos and wallabies are hopping marsupials found in Australia. While there are differences between the two, they share some similarities, including their facial features. Both animals could use a facelift to improve their already adorable faces. A slight modification of the kangaroo's snout can give it a cuter appearance, while the wallaby could benefit from more vibrant eyes that complement its fur color.

Lion vs. Tiger

Lions and tigers are majestic cats that instill fear in most people while commanding respect at the same time. Their strong muscles and powerful jaws are matched by their impressive manes and striped coats. Although both animals are already beautiful, they could use some changes to enhance specific facial features. For instance, the lion could benefit from an abundant mane that complements its style, while the tiger could use some increase in the size of its ears for a better overall look.


In conclusion, animals are a crucial part of our ecosystem, and they deserve to look their best. The animals mentioned in this article represent only a fraction of those that could use natural facelifts to ensure they continue to look aesthetically appealing. It's vital to remember that the beauty of these creatures lies beyond their physical appearance. However, a little enhancement never hurt anyone, including your favorite animal.
Animal Facial Feature Needing Facelift Suggested Improvement
Bald eagle Hooked beak Resize beak for a better facial profile
Golden eagle Face coloration More colors to accentuate the face
Rhinoceros Size of the horn Reduction in horn size
Hippopotamus Dentition Better teeth for a perfect smile
Kangaroo Snout design A slight modification of the snout
Wallaby Eyes Better eye vibrancy to complement fur color
Lion Mane Abundant mane to complement style
Tiger Ear size Increase ear size for a better overall look

Animal That Could Use A Facelift

Animals come in different shapes and sizes, some are cute while others are not so appealing. These creatures have evolved to suit their environment and adapt to changes. However, as time goes by, some animals could use a facelift. It's not about changing the way they look but making their life easier and less painful. Here are some of the animals that could use a facelift.


Elephants are one of the most magnificent animals in the world. However, these gentle giants suffer from various health issues such as arthritis and foot infections. They also face threats from poaching and habitat loss. A facelift for elephants would involve creating an environment that mimics their natural habitat, minimizing human interference, and providing proper medical care.


Penguins are a popular attraction in zoos and aquariums, but these flightless birds could use a facelift. Many penguin species are endangered due to climate change and pollution. In captivity, they face issues such as overcrowding, lack of space, and poor water quality. A facelift for penguins would require creating an environment that replicates their natural habitat, providing more space, and improving water quality.


Pugs are adored by many due to their wrinkly faces and cute personalities. However, these dogs suffer from several health issues such as breathing difficulties, eye problems, and skin allergies. Their unique appearance causes them to require special care, which can be expensive and time-consuming. A facelift for pugs would involve breeding healthier dogs with less pronounced wrinkles and promoting responsible ownership.


Dolphins are intelligent and social creatures that are highly sought after for entertainment purposes. However, they suffer greatly in captivity, facing issues such as confinement, stress, and injuries. A facelift for dolphins would require ending their captivity and promoting responsible eco-tourism.


Sloths are known for their sluggishness and cute appearance. Although they may seem like lazy creatures, they are essential to the ecosystem. Unfortunately, these animals face threats such as habitat loss due to deforestation and road development. A facelift for sloths would involve protecting their natural habitat and promoting conservation efforts.


Pangolins are one of the most trafficked animals in the world due to their alleged medicinal properties. These endangered creatures need a facelift to protect them from poaching and habitat loss. A facelift for pangolins would involve increasing awareness of their critically endangered status and promoting conservation efforts.


Gorillas are another amazing animal that could use a facelift. These gentle giants face threats such as habitat loss and poaching. In captivity, they face issues such as boredom and lack of stimulation. A facelift for gorillas would require creating more natural environments in captivity, promoting responsible eco-tourism, and protecting their wild habitats from destruction.


Whales are some of the largest and most fascinating creatures in the ocean. They need a facelift to protect them from pollution, climate change, and overfishing. A facelift for whales would involve reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable fishing practices.


Turtles are beautiful animals that are unfortunately facing several threats such as habitat loss and pollution. They also face issues such as plastic ingestion, entanglement, and egg poaching. A facelift for turtles would involve reducing pollution in their natural habitats, promoting eco-friendly practices, and protecting their nests from human interference.


Lions are iconic creatures that are unfortunately facing threats such as habitat loss, poaching, and trophy hunting. A facelift for lions would involve protecting their wild habitats, ending trophy hunting and promoting responsible eco-tourism.


Animals are an essential part of the ecosystem and need protection from the numerous threats they face. A facelift for animals is not about altering their appearance but about finding ways to protect them from harm and promote conservation efforts. Each animal has unique needs, so it's up to us to be responsible and work towards protecting them and ensuring their survival.

Animal That Could Use A Facelift

If you think about it, animals have a much better life than humans. They don't need to work or pay bills, and they have an instinct to survive that makes their life less stressful. However, some animals need some improvements in their appearance to match their already fascinating ways of living. The following animals are the ones that could use a facelift.

First on the list are koalas. These cute and fuzzy animals have a chronic eye infection that makes them look tired and ill. They also have a lack of fur on their ears and nose, leaving only red skin. It's hard to resist their endearing personality, but a change in appearance would make them look healthier. Plus, this would protect them from predators that might see their weak point.

Closely related to koalas are the sloths. These creatures have a face that looks like they are always frowning, no matter what they're doing. Their fur that acts as camouflage in trees can also be considered unappealing. Although it's hard not to love these slow-moving creatures, their cranky appearance could use some sprucing up.

The platypus is a strange-looking creature, to say the least. With a beaver-like body, a duck-like bill, and webbed feet, it's confusing to identify what it is supposed to be. This animal could use some help with its appearance, not because it's ugly, but because it doesn't get taken seriously as a fascinating creature due to its mixed appearance.

The blobfish is an animal that appears in various memes on social media because of its appearance. Although it may look ugly to some, it doesn't stop it from being an amazing creature with the ability to live in the depths of the ocean. However, a change in appearance could make it less of a laughable creature and more of a respectable one.

Bats are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem, despite the many misconceptions about them. However, their fangs and red eyes make them appear villainous. People mistake their appearance as dangerous, leading to the negative perception of bats in general. By changing their appearance, they could become more approachable and could help people understand their crucial role in the environment.

An animal that's considered cute but could use a bit of improvement is the hedgehog. These spiky creatures are adorable, but they have no facial expression. They appear static and emotionless, which does not match their playful personality. A change in their facial structure to provide expressions could make them even more lovable.

The naked mole rat has a face that resembles a cylindrical sausage with teeth. It's not pleasurable to look at, but it has fantastic abilities such as immunity to cancer and long life span. With its incredible qualities, it deserves a change in looks

In conclusion, the animals mentioned above are already captivating, but by improving their looks, they can be even more impressive and approachable. These changes could improve their survival rates and stop people from misjudging their important roles in the ecosystem.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Which animal do you think needs a facelift? Let us know in the comments section below.

Animal That Could Use A Facelift

Animal That Could Use A Facelift

Why do some animals need a facelift?

Similar to humans, animals can also experience aging and suffer from sagging skin and wrinkles. Some animals may require a facelift for medical reasons or cosmetic purposes.

What are the animals that could use a facelift?

Here are some animals that could use a facelift:

  1. Elephants: Elephants have elongated faces that tend to sag with age. They may benefit from facelifts to restore their youthful appearance and improve their quality of life.
  2. Pugs: Pugs are popular dogs that have short snouts and droopy eyes. However, their facial features can lead to breathing problems and eye infections. A facelift can help improve their breathing and reduce the risk of infections.
  3. Shar-Peis: Shar-Peis are known for their loose wrinkly skin, which can cause skin irritation and infections. Facelifts can help tighten their skin and reduce the risk of health problems.
  4. Cats: Some cats may develop sagging skin around their eyes, which can lead to eye problems and discomfort. A facelift can help lift the skin and improve their vision.
  5. Dolphins: Dolphins are intelligent and social animals that can suffer from skin diseases and injuries. Facelifts can help repair their damaged skin and improve their overall health.

Are facelifts safe for animals?

Facelifts can be safe for animals if performed by qualified and experienced veterinarians. However, it is essential to consider the possible risks and benefits before deciding on a facelift.