Naruto's New Adventure: Teamwork with his Animal Partner in Fanfiction


What do you get when you combine the world of ninjas with the animal kingdom? A fanfiction that will blow your mind. That's what.

Naruto, the popular anime series, has inspired countless fanfictions over the years. But one of the most interesting themes that has emerged is the idea of Naruto having an animal partner.

Think about it. Naruto already has a strong connection with the toads, thanks to his ability to summon them with his jutsu. But what if he had a more permanent animal companion? What if he had a loyal friend who fought by his side, skilled in combat and just as determined to save the world as he is?

The idea of Naruto having an animal partner isn't new. After all, he already has a pet toad named Gamakichi. But fanfiction writers take this concept to new heights, imagining all sorts of different animal partners for Naruto to team up with.

Some writers choose to give Naruto a partner that reflects his personality. For example, he might team up with a fast and agile fox, or a mischievous raccoon who loves pulling pranks. These animals could parallel Naruto's own quick wit and cunning nature.

Other writers choose to go in a completely different direction, giving Naruto an animal partner that complements his skills and abilities. Imagine him partnering with a powerful hawk, soaring above the battlefield scouting out enemy locations and raining down deadly blows. Or perhaps he teams up with a stealthy panther, sneaking behind enemy lines and taking out foes before they even know what hit them.

Whatever animal Naruto chooses as his partner, one thing is clear: the idea of a ninja teaming up with an animal companion is just plain cool. It taps into our primal instincts and our love of adventure, giving us a story that's both thrilling and heartwarming.

Of course, not every fanfiction involving Naruto and an animal partner is created equal. Some are poorly written or have awkward premises that don't quite make sense. But when you find a good one, it's like striking gold. You get to delve deeper into the Naruto universe, exploring new possibilities and meeting new characters along the way.

Plus, let's be honest, who doesn't love an animal sidekick? From Robin's trusty bird in the Batman comics to Pikachu in Pokémon, animal companions have always been a mainstay of the fandom world.

If you're new to the world of Naruto fanfiction, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer number of stories out there. But trust us, take the time to look through some of the best ones featuring Naruto and his animal partner, and you won't be disappointed.

In conclusion, Naruto fanfiction involving animal partners is a great way to explore the series in a new way. Whether you're a fan of the toads or just love animal companions in general, there's sure to be a story out there that will capture your imagination and leave you wanting more.

So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Naruto fanfiction and discover the magic of animal partners today.

Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction

Fanfiction is a creative way to continue the story of a beloved franchise. One popular fanfiction concept in the Naruto universe is giving each character a unique animal partner, much like how some ninja are assigned animals in the original series. This concept opens up new possibilities for storytelling and character development.

Why Give Characters Animal Partners?

Animal partners can add depth to the characters by showing their individual strengths, weaknesses, and personalities. For example, if Naruto were to have a fox partner, it would reveal more about his relationship with the Nine-Tailed Fox within him. He would have to confront and work through his internal struggles to become a stronger ninja with his partner's help.

Furthermore, animal partners would provide opportunities for teamwork and strategy during missions. This could create more interesting and dynamic fight sequences that keep readers engaged.

What Kind of Partners Could They Have?

The possible animal partners are as diverse as the characters themselves. Sakura could have a butterfly partner, symbolizing her delicate but powerful strength. Sasuke could have a hawk partner, representing his ability to soar high above and survey the battlefield. Shikamaru could have a sloth partner that could slow down his enemies and give him time to plan his next move.

Every partner would have its own unique abilities and tasks, making the ninja-partner duos authentic and refreshing. They could also serve as adorable mascots for readers to fall in love with and root for throughout the story.

How Would Partners Be Chosen?

In the fanfiction, the animal partner could be chosen through a specialized examination, much like how ninja are chosen from their clans. The examination could test their compatibility and teamwork capabilities.

Another possibility is that the partners could already be matched with the characters. This would add a personal touch to the fanfiction that readers would appreciate.

What Are the Benefits of Writing Animal Partner Fanfiction?

Writing animal partner fanfiction would rejuvenate interest in the Naruto universe and attract new fans. By adding this unique concept to the franchise, writers could create stories that stand out in the sea of other fanfiction. It also gives writers the chance to play with character development, world-building, and battle scenes in new and creative ways.

Furthermore, animal partner fanfiction could provide readers with a better understanding of each character's wants and needs. This kind of storytelling could make readers feel more connected to the Naruto universe and create a stronger sense of community among fans.

In Conclusion:

Naruto has captured the hearts of fans around the globe. The addition of animal partners in fanfiction adds a fresh twist to the story and provides opportunities for character development and dynamic battles.

The possibilities are endless for what kind of animal partners each character could have. Whether it is a sloth or a butterfly, these partners could bring new life to the ninja world, and we can't wait to see what creators come up with next.

Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction: Comparing the Best Options


Fanfiction has become a hugely popular medium for dedicated anime and manga fans to explore alternative storylines and character interactions. Among the most intriguing fanfic concepts is that of Naruto having an animal partner – someone who could offer unique support and deepen the emotional bonds in the story. While there are countless stories out there, we have picked the five best options for fans to sink their teeth into.

Option 1: Naruto and Kurama

The most popular and anticipated animal partner options for Naruto is none other than Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. This powerful creature was initially considered one of Naruto's greatest enemies but eventually becomes something of an ally later in the canon. In several fanfic stories, the duo has to work together to defeat various villains, all while building a relationship based on trust and respect.

Comparison: The dynamic between Naruto and Kurama is extremely unique, given their history. As a result, many fanfic writers capitalize on this relationship to create complex and compelling storylines. However, it can also be limiting, as Kurama's fox-like features make it harder to create a fully-realized character for him.

Option 2: Naruto and Gamakichi

Another popular choice for Naruto's animal partner is Gamakichi, the son of Gamabunta. He is a small but powerful frog with a strong personality, and his relationship with Naruto was established in the canon. In fanfic, the pair works together on all sorts of missions, from chasing down missing-nin to defending Konoha from attack.

Comparison: Gamakichi is an excellent sidekick for Naruto due to his playful and friendly nature. Also, he has a positive effect on Naruto's personality, allowing him to be more relaxed and make wise decisions. However, Gamakichi's small size may limit the storytelling opportunities for his character.

Option 3: Naruto and Akamaru

Akamaru is Kiba Inuzuka's dog, which works as an excellent team in canon with their clan-based jutsus. In fanfic, readers are treated to a unique dynamic between Akamaru and Naruto, one built on mutual trust and respect. Additionally, Akamaru's intelligence makes him a valuable source of information and problem-solving during the missions that they undertake together.

Comparison: The partnership between Naruto and Akamaru is highly accessible to generate humor and light-hearted moments and feels grounded in reality. The drawback is that many competing stories use this duo, which can make their bond formulaic if not well written.

Option 4: Naruto and Tora

In the anime Naruto filler arcs, there was an episode involving a greedy cat named Tora who sought refuge in Konoha. However, this show-only character has been incorporated in many fanfics as Naruto's animal partner when cats would be oblivious to Naruto's presence in the canon. They usually start with a tense relationship that gradually softens as they work together on missions.

Comparison: Because Tora is an OC (Original Character) invented exclusively for fans, creating a backstory for her can prove challenging, but such creativity can be satisfying to readers. Moreover, since feline characters are rare in the Naruto universe, Tora brings a new perspective on Pokémon-like aspects.

Option 5: Naruto and Pakkun

Pakkun is Kakashi Hatake's summon creature that became a fan-favorite for his dry humor and irresistible charm. As Naruto's partner, he fills two significant roles: first, he guides strategies with his intelligence, and secondly, he becomes an entertained voice of reason for chaotic Naruto. Together they go on several missions to protect Konoha while testing the bonds they share.

Comparison: Pakkun is an adorable, cigar-smoking pug that fans have come to love. His vast knowledge and quick wit make him particularly compatible with Naruto. However, he is afflicted by the same issue as Gamakichi: his size limits his epicness during the most complex missions.


There are countless variations involving Naruto's animal partner fanfiction, and it was tough to cull this five options from the vast realm of stories. Each pair has its specific set of strengths and weaknesses than can satisfy different types of readers. While Naruto fanfic remains a mere artistic vision, each partnership fanfic brings unique qualities that would immensely enhance the anime's story and growth.

Tips on Writing Naruto Fanfiction with Animal Partners

Naruto is one of the most popular anime and manga series, and it’s no wonder that fans worldwide are constantly creating fanfiction stories based on their favorite characters. One popular aspect of these fanfics is giving Naruto or other shinobi an animal partner, a concept inspired by his bond with his own animal ally, Kurama. If you’re interested in writing your own Naruto has an animal partner fanfic, here are a few tips to make your story stand out.

Choose Your Animal Carefully

The most important element of any animal partner story is the choice of animal. While Kurama is a fox, there are countless other creatures that can be used as animal allies. Consider which animal would best fit your character’s personality and abilities. For example, if they’re fast and agile, a cheetah or falcon might be a good choice. Or, if they’re strong and protective, a bear or lion could work well.

Establish the Bond Early On

Once you’ve chosen your character’s animal partner, it’s essential to establish the relationship between them from the beginning of your story. Make it clear why the animal has chosen to bond with your character, and how they communicate and work together. Your audience should understand the dynamic between the two partners and what each brings to the table.

Don’t Overpower Your Animal Partner

While it may be tempting to make your animal partner incredibly powerful, it’s important to remember that they are still animals. They may have special abilities or skills, but they should never completely overshadow your human character. Your audience wants to see your protagonist grow and develop, not simply watch their animal partner do all the work.

Consider the Animal’s Biology and Nature

When describing your character’s animal partner, be sure to incorporate details about its biology and behavior. This will not only give depth to your animal character but also allow you to highlight their unique qualities and abilities. For example, if your character has a bird ally, explore how it flies, hunts, and communicates both with other birds and with your protagonist.

Make Your Animal Partner Three-Dimensional

While your character’s animal partner is an important element of your story, it’s also essential to make them a fully-realized, three-dimensional character. Give them their own personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Consider how they react in different situations, what motivates them, and how they interact with other characters.

Create Conflict and Tension

No good story is without conflict, and your Naruto has an animal partner fanfiction should be no exception. Think about how your protagonist and their animal ally might have disagreements or obstacles to overcome. Maybe the animal’s instincts are at odds with your character’s goals, or perhaps the animal is injured and needs to be healed before participating in a battle. These tensions will create a richer, more interesting story.

Ensure Your Animal Ally Complements Your Protagonist’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Your character’s animal partner should be a complement to their own strengths and weaknesses. If your protagonist is hot-headed and impulsive, their animal partner may be calm and level-headed, balancing out their partner’s flaws. Conversely, if your character lacks physical strength, their animal ally might provide that extra oomph needed in battle.

Be Careful of Overusing Clichés and Tropes

There are certain clichés and tropes that often appear in fanfiction, including the infamous “Mary Sue” character and nearly-perfect animal partners who have no flaws. Be careful to avoid these overused storylines and instead create something fresh and unique. Your audience will appreciate the effort and may be more invested in your characters because they don’t feel like carbon copies of others in the genre.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks

Finally, don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new with your Naruto has an animal partner fanfiction. If you have a creative idea, go for it! Even if it doesn’t work out as planned, you can always revise and edit as needed. Taking risks can lead to innovative stories that readers haven’t seen before, and that’s what makes fanfiction exciting.

In Conclusion

Creating your own Naruto has an animal partner fanfiction can be a fun and fulfilling project for any fan of the series. Remember to choose your animal carefully, establish the bond early on, ensure the animal complements your protagonist, and avoid clichés. Most of all, be creative and take risks, and you’ll be sure to create a story that will capture your readers’ hearts.

Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction

Naruto Uzumaki is a well-known anime character who has become a household name around the world. This anime has inspired countless fans to create their own stories about it, known as fanfiction. One constant theme in these fanfics is the idea that Naruto has an animal partner. Many fans have explored this concept, creating unique stories about how Naruto and his furry friend team up to save the day. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most popular Naruto has an animal partner fanfictions out there.

First on our list is a fanfic that has gained wide popularity among fans - Naruto's Best Friend. The story is all about Naruto having a black panther as his best friend. The fanfic gives readers a unique experience as they follow Naruto and his panther companion on their journey to fulfill their dreams. The author's writing skills add a refreshing twist to the story, which makes it feel as though it is an actual part of the Naruto universe.

Another fantastic Naruto has an animal partner fanfic is Beast Trainer Naruto by Morta's Priest. In this tale, Naruto has a unique ability to train and communicate with various animals. He starts an animal school to train these creatures for battle, and he is soon recognized as the best beast trainer in the land. With gripping action scenes and a unique storyline, this fanfic is undoubtedly one for the books.

The third addition to our list is Naruto: The Legendary Summoner, a fanfic by the talented writer nighFury. It follows the story of Naruto, who has a love of summoning animals, as he attempts to become the very best summoner in the world. As Naruto sets out on his journey, he forms unbreakable bonds with various animals, including wolves, tigers, phoenixes, and even dragons.

Wilderness is another inspiring fanfic that explores what could happen if Naruto kept his promise to bring Sasuke back to the Leaf from Orochimaru. But instead of running into Orochimaru, Naruto runs into a pack of wolves. These wolves, however, are far different than the ones in movies - they believe Naruto to be their alpha and thus begin treating him as such. It's a unique story, thrilling, and full of action.

Another fanfic worth mentioning is Fox Prophecies. Herein, Naruto has a kitsune sidekick named Kashina who guides him as he navigates through his life as a ninja. The story has a perfect mix of action, adventure, and poignant moments that capture your emotions. It is undoubtedly one that any Naruto fan should put on their must-read list.

Power of the Wild by Karndragon is another compelling story that follows Naruto and his animal partner. Throughout this incredible fanfic, Naruto and his animal friends must navigate through various obstacles, tussle with dangerous foes and overcome their limitations to become stronger. As the story progresses, it brings a sense of intrigue and interest to the whole plot, culminating in a fabulous ending that will leave you begging for more.

Moving on, we have A Fox and His Dragons - a story that begins with Naruto being left in the woods by the villagers of Konoha, only to be saved by a pack of dragon kin. The author's descriptions of the creatures in this story are incredibly crafted, collectively bringing to life an entirely new world in our minds. The story is filled with heartwarming moments and gripping scenes that will keep you entertained from start to finish.

Kiba's Partner tells the story of Naruto taming Kiba's dog and becoming his partner. With a focus on an unlikely friendship rooted in respect, honor, and loyalty, the fanfic is not only impressive but also charmingly heartwarming. It brings about feelings of nostalgia for the original anime while creating a separate narrative that stands on its own right.

Lastly, we have the Nine-tailed Panther, which portrays Naruto as he takes in a young black panther, only to discover that it is one of the most incredible summons in existence. The fanfic is filled with mind-blowing fight scenes, character development, and elements of the supernatural that will leave you wanting more by the end of it all.

In conclusion, Naruto and his animal partners make for an exciting concept that many fans have already explored thoroughly. It is a testament to how much fans love the show. These fanfics carry their own weight, giving life to creative and unique tales that reflect the traditional themes of the show, albeit with fresh and imaginative new elements added. Naruto has been empowering and inspiring to millions worldwide, and these fanfics show us what can happen when imagination is blended with passion.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully, you enjoyed this article as much as we did while writing it. If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to use our comment section below.

People Also Ask About Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction

What is Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction?

Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction is a fan-created story where Naruto, the main character of the anime/manga Naruto, has an animal partner who accompanies him on his adventures.

Who is Naruto's animal partner in the fanfiction?

The choice of Naruto's animal partner varies depending on the author of the fanfiction. Some popular choices include a wolf, fox, and even a dragon.

What is the significance of Naruto having an animal partner in the fanfiction?

Having an animal partner in the fanfiction serves multiple purposes. It not only adds an extra level of companionship for Naruto but can also provide him with valuable resources and abilities in battle. The partner can also serve as a symbol of a deeper connection to nature and the power it holds.

Is Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction considered canon?

No, Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction is not considered canon. It is a fan-created work that follows its own storyline and ideas separate from the original creator's vision.

Where can I find Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction?

Naruto Has An Animal Partner Fanfiction can be found on various online platforms such as or Archive of Our Own.