Meet Rex in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Your Ultimate Guide to this Adorable Lion


Are you an Animal Crossing fan? Are you looking for a new companion to join your campsite? Look no further than Rex, the friendly lion villager from Pocket Camp!

If you haven't encountered Rex yet, you're missing out on a beloved character with a charming personality. With his deep voice and sporty attire, he'll fit in perfectly with any outdoor-themed campsite. Not to mention, he's a jock type villager, which means he loves staying active and working out.

But Rex isn't just all muscles and athleticism. He also has a love for music and can often be heard singing or humming a tune. He's always up for a jam session with his fellow campers, making him a hit with everyone at the campsite.

One of the best things about Rex is his willingness to help out his fellow Animal Crossing villagers. Whether it's by completing tasks or simply lending an ear to listen and offer advice, he's always there for his friends. This trait makes him not only a great addition to your campsite, but also a valuable friend in the game.

One thing that sets Rex apart from other Animal Crossing characters is his unique design. With his shaggy mane and muscular build, he's both adorable and fierce at the same time. Plus, his yellow fur and green shorts are a perfect match for any nature-inspired campsite.

But don't just take our word for it- let Rex speak for himself! You can interact with him in Pocket Camp through various activities such as fishing and scavenger hunts. You'll quickly see why he's so beloved by players around the world.

Of course, no Animal Crossing character would be complete without their own set of catchphrases and Rex is no exception. His phrases such as cool cat and roar are both endearing and entertaining, making him a joy to have around.

So what are you waiting for? Add Rex to your Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp roster today and experience the joy of having this lovable lion as your virtual companion.

With his friendly demeanor, love for music, and willingness to help out his fellow villagers, Rex is the solution to any dull campsite. So why not invite him over and watch as he transforms your Pocket Camp into a lively and fun-filled paradise?

Meet Rex in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, a mobile game for Android and iOS devices, has taken the world by storm with its addictive gameplay and simple interface. With millions of players in various parts of the world, the game has become a hit among casual gamers. And one of the most popular characters in the game is Rex, a lazy lion who loves living life at his own pace.

Who is Rex?

Rex, like all other animals in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, is a character that you can interact with as you build your own campsite. He is a laidback lion that enjoys napping and taking things slowly. He loves to eat burgers and doesn't take criticism well. Rex is often seen lounging around, with no particular goal in mind.

Rex's Personality

In terms of personality, Rex is known for his laziness and laidback attitude. He dislikes doing work and would rather spend his time sleeping or eating instead. Despite his lazy nature, he is friendly to other animals and enjoys making friends. He is also known for his love of music and often hums or sings songs while lazing about.

Rex’s Role in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

Rex is one of the animal characters you can invite to your campsite in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. You can chat with him, give him gifts, and help him with his requests. When you fulfill his requests, you'll earn rewards, which can help you level up and improve your overall gameplay experience.

Interacting with Rex

To start interacting with Rex, you'll need to first invite him to your campsite. Once he's there, you'll be able to chat with him like any other character in the game. To make things interesting, try giving him a gift and see his reaction. Rex enjoys eating burgers so you can try giving him one. And if you want to help him out, fulfill his requests and earn rewards in return.

Rex's Likes and Dislikes

Like all other animals in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, Rex has his own likes and dislikes. He likes burgers, fancy clothes, and sofas. He dislikes bugs, plain clothes, and chores. Knowing his preferences will help you establish a better relationship with him and earn more rewards.

Rex’s Friendship Levels

Each animal character in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has its own friendship level. You can increase Rex's friendship level by completing his requests, chatting with him, and giving him gifts he likes. As your friendship level increases, you'll unlock new rewards and dialogue options.

Rex's Furniture

As you become friends with Rex in the game, he'll occasionally give you special furniture items that you can use to decorate your campsite or cabin. His furniture is inspired by his laidback lifestyle and includes items like the Rex's Lazy Chair, Rex's Hammock, and Rex's RV.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Rex is a fun and entertaining character to interact with in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. His laidback personality makes him a great addition to any player's campsite or cabin, and his love of burgers and music adds a fun element to the game. If you haven't invited Rex to your campsite yet, consider adding him to your list of animals and start building a relationship with him today.

Rex Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp


Rex is one of the popular animal characters in the game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. He made his first appearance in the game in November 2017. Rex is a lion who wears a puffy vest and loves to show off his mane. He is known for being friendly and competitive. In this article, we will compare Rex’s features with other animal characters and provide an opinion about why he is a unique character in the game.


One of the distinctive features of Rex is his puffy vest, which makes him stand out from other lion characters in the game. His mane is also unique and well-defined. However, his face is not as expressive as some other characters such as Kiki the cat or Tangy the fruit-looking cat.

Table Comparison:

Features Rex Kiki Tangy
Face Expressiveness


Rex has a friendly and competitive personality. He enjoys playing various games with the player, such as treasure hunts or hide and seek. However, he can sometimes be arrogant and boastful. Despite this, his love for competition makes him a good motivator for the player to try their best in the game.


Rex’s friendly and competitive nature makes him an attractive character to play with. Although his arrogance can be a turn-off to some players, it adds a unique element to his character that distinguishes him from other animal characters in the game.

Furniture and Amenities

Rex’s house features a mix of wooden and red-colored furniture, reflecting his personality and love for competition. His amenities include a sports complex, which is suitable for his energetic character.

Table Comparison:

Features Rex’s Furniture Kiki’s Furniture Tangy’s Furniture
Color Scheme Wooden & Red Pink & White Orange & Green
Amenities Sports Complex Park Pool


Rex’s clothing options are somewhat limited, with only a few items available, such as the puffy vest and shorts. His style is sporty and casual, suiting his energetic and competitive personality.


Despite the limited clothing options for Rex, the available clothing items complement his personality and style.

How to unlock Rex

To unlock Rex as an animal character in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, the player needs to invite him as a campsite guest. Once he visits the campsite and the player completes his requests, he will become a permanent resident of the campsite.


Unlocking Rex requires some effort from the player, but it is worth it given his unique personality and features.


Rex is a unique and charismatic animal character in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. His distinctive features, furniture, and amenities make him stand out from other lion characters in the game. His friendly and competitive personality adds a unique element to the game that is enjoyable to play with. Overall, Rex is a must-have animal character for anyone who wants to enhance the gameplay experience in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp.

Rex in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Tips and Tricks


Rex is one of the villagers you can meet in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. He is a lazy lion with a big heart and a love for food. Rex is a great addition to your campsite and can help you with various tasks, from catching fish to collecting fruit. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips and tricks on how to make the most out of having Rex in your game.

Getting Rex to Join Your Campsite

To get Rex in your campsite, you need to fulfill certain conditions. Firstly, you need to meet him in the game by visiting random islands or completing requests for other animals. Once you've met Rex, you need to level up your Friendship Level with him by talking to him, fulfilling his requests, and giving him gifts. Once Rex's Friendship Level reaches level 7, you can invite him to your campsite.

Rex's Personality and Traits

As mentioned earlier, Rex is a lazy villager. This means he's always lounging around and taking it easy. But despite this, he's always eager to help out his friends. He's also known for his love for food and will often ask you for snacks. Rex is also very laid-back and not easily offended, so you don't need to worry about hurting his feelings.

Using Rex's Skills

Rex has a unique skill that allows him to catch fish more easily. When you bring him along on fishing trips, he will increase the chances of rare fish appearing. Additionally, you can use Rex to collect fruit more effectively. When you're harvesting fruit, keep an eye out for Rex. He will occasionally drop by to lend a hand and increase your harvest.

Customizing Rex's Appearance

In Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, you can customize your villagers' appearance by crafting and giving them clothes and accessories. Rex is no exception to this, and there are various items you can craft and give him to make him look even more adorable. Some of these items include the Cool Plaid Shirt, Green Athletic Pants, Purple Sneakers, and Trendy Glasses.

Keeping Rex Happy

To keep Rex happy, you need to continue talking to him, fulfilling his requests, and giving him gifts. Whenever he asks for snacks, make sure to have some on hand and give them to him. You can also decorate your campsite according to his preferences. Rex likes items that are related to food, so you can place things like vending machines, coffee cups, and cakes around your campsite to make him happy.

Building a Friendship with Rex

Building a strong friendship with Rex requires time and consistent effort. Make sure to check in with him frequently and complete his requests as often as possible. Additionally, you can use the Market Place to buy items that he likes and give them to him as gifts. The more you talk to him and make him happy, the faster your Friendship Level will increase.

Interacting with Rex at Your Campsite

Once Rex is in your campsite, you can interact with him in various ways. You can talk to him, give him snacks, or play games with him. Additionally, you can make him the Camp Caretaker, which means he will take care of your campsite while you're away. This is a great way to keep your campsite looking its best even when you're not playing the game.


Rex is a charming and adorable villager that can add a lot of personality to your Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp experience. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this blog post, you can make the most out of having Rex in your game. Remember to keep him happy, interact with him frequently, and use his skills to your advantage. With just a little effort, Rex will become one of your favorite animal friends in no time.

Rex Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

If you're a fan of the Animal Crossing series, then you're probably familiar with Rex. He's a charming and lovable character who has been a part of the franchise from the very beginning. In this blog post, we're going to take a closer look at Rex in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, and explore everything there is to know about this adorable little dinosaur.

Rex is a green and white tyrannosaurus rex who is always eager to explore new areas and make friends with the other critters in the game. He's known for his cheerful personality, and he's one of the most beloved characters in the Animal Crossing universe.

If you're looking to add Rex to your virtual village in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, then you're in luck. You can unlock Rex by completing certain goals and objectives in the game. Once you've done that, he'll join your campsite, and you'll be able to interact with him just like any other character in the game.

One of the things that makes Rex so special is his unique dialogue. He has his own set of catchphrases and comments that are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. Whether he's remarking on the weather, complimenting your furniture, or just chatting about his favorite foods, there's never a dull moment when Rex is around.

Another thing that sets Rex apart from many of the other animals in the game is his penchant for adventure. He loves to explore new areas, and he's always up for a challenge. If you're the type of player who enjoys seeking out new surprises and hidden treasures in the game, then you'll definitely want to have Rex on your team.

While Rex is certainly a friendly and outgoing character, he's not without his flaws. For example, he's easily scared, and he can get quite anxious in certain situations. But even when he's feeling nervous or uneasy, he always manages to find the courage to face his fears and overcome any obstacles that come his way.

If you're a fan of creative expression in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, then you'll also appreciate Rex's artistic side. He's an accomplished painter who loves to create beautiful works of art that are inspired by his experiences in the game. Whether he's painting a beautiful landscape or a portrait of one of his favorite characters, Rex's artwork is always a sight to behold.

All in all, Rex is an incredibly charming character who is sure to win over the hearts of any Animal Crossing player. If you haven't had a chance to interact with him in the game yet, then be sure to keep an eye out for him, as he's definitely worth getting to know.

In conclusion, Rex is a great addition to the Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp universe. His unique personality, sense of adventure, and artistic talents make him a popular choice among players. So if you're looking to add a new character to your virtual village, then be sure to give Rex a try. You won't be disappointed!

Thanks for joining us on this journey through the world of Rex Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. We hope you've enjoyed learning more about this lovable character and the many ways he can enhance your play experience. Whether you're a longtime fan of the Animal Crossing series or a newcomer to the game, we think you'll agree that Rex is a true delight to have around. So why not start working on unlocking him today and see what adventures await?

People Also Ask: Rex Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

Who is Rex in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp?

Rex is a lazy lion villager in the Animal Crossing Pocket Camp game. He loves to eat and sleep, but isn't very enthusiastic about anything else.

What personality type is Rex in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp?

Rex has a lazy personality. This means he enjoys taking it easy and will often talk about food or napping.

What are some of Rex's favorite activities in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp?

Rex enjoys activities that don't require too much effort, such as fishing and bug-catching. He also likes to visit the campsite and interact with visitors.

What items does Rex give as gifts in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp?

Rex gives out furniture items that match his personality and hobbies, such as a pizza oven or hammock.

Is Rex a popular character in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp?

While Rex may not be the most popular villager, fans of his laid-back personality appreciate his relaxed demeanor and humorous dialogue.


Rex may not have the most energetic personality, but he adds a unique charm to the Animal Crossing Pocket Camp game. Whether you're looking for a lazy villager or just want to collect all of the characters, Rex is definitely worth adding to your camping crew.