Exploring the Ethereal Soundscape: Animal Collective's Meeting of the Waters - A Dive into the Latest Mesmerizing Creation by the Acclaimed Experimental Band.


If you are a fan of alternative music, then you must have already heard of Animal Collective. This American experimental pop band has been creating music since 2003 and has gained quite a following over the years. Their latest release, Meeting of the Waters, is an EP that incorporates field recordings made by the band while on a trip to Brazil.

But what makes this EP so special? Why should you give it a listen? For starters, Meeting of the Waters is unlike anything Animal Collective has ever released before. It is a departure from their typical sound and showcases a more atmospheric and ambient side to their music.

One of the standout tracks on the EP is Kinda Bonkers. The song's catchy melody and upbeat tempo make it a fun listen. The lyrics are playful and will have you singing along in no time.

Transitioning to the next track, Peacemaker, you'll notice a change in tone. The song is more introspective and melancholic, with hauntingly beautiful vocals. It's a contrast to the high-energy Kinda Bonkers but complements the EP's overall atmosphere.

As mentioned earlier, Animal Collective's trip to Brazil plays a significant role in the EP. The band's field recordings of the Amazon rainforest and Rio Negro river are incorporated into the music. The result is a seamless integration of organic sounds with the band's electronic instrumentation.

If you're a fan of statistics, Meeting of the Waters has received critical acclaim from music reviewers. Pitchfork gave the EP an 8.0 rating, calling it a driven and delirious fusion of the natural and technological worlds that feels thrillingly complex.

Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects of the EP is its brevity. Clocking in at just over 15 minutes, Meeting of the Waters is a short but sweet listen. It's the perfect introduction to Animal Collective if you're new to their music.

In conclusion, Meeting of the Waters is an EP that showcases Animal Collective's versatility as musicians. It's a departure from their typical sound, but the incorporation of field recordings from Brazil makes it a unique and memorable listening experience. So why not give it a chance and see what all the fuss is about?


Animal Collective is an experimental American band that combines multiple genres such as electronic, folk, and psychedelic. One of their latest releases is the EP Meeting of the Waters, which features three tracks recorded in the Amazon rainforest. The EP showcases Animal Collective's unique sound and their willingness to experiment with unconventional recording techniques.

The Inspiration behind Meeting of the Waters

Animal Collective members Noah Lennox and Brian Weitz traveled to the Brazilian Amazon in 2016 to explore the region's natural sounds and work with local musicians. Their trip inspired the concept for Meeting of the Waters, named after the point where the Negro and Solimões rivers converge, each with its own distinct color and temperature. The meeting point serves as a metaphor for the collaboration between Animal Collective and the indigenous musicians they worked with.

The Collaboration Process

Working with local musicians was different from Animal Collective's usual recording process. They had to adapt and embrace the unfamiliar surroundings and working with people who didn't speak their language. However, Lennox and Weitz found common ground through music, and they were able to collaborate organically. The EP features traditional instruments such as flutes, maracas, and a donkey jawbone. Animal Collective's signature harmonies and electronic soundscapes link the traditional Amazonian music with their experimental style.

The Tracks

The EP showcases three tracks, each with its own distinct sound and feel.

Kinda Bonkers

The first track on the EP, Kinda Bonkers, features a fast-paced beat and catchy melodies. Lennox's vocals are filtered through effects that give them an otherworldly quality. The song is accompanied by animal noises, which add to the jungle atmosphere.


Peacemaker has a more ambient feel, with slow and dreamy textures. The track features flutes played by a member of the Huni Kuin tribe, giving the song an authentic Amazonian sound.


The EP's final track, Goalkeeper, is a blend of Animal Collective's signature sound and traditional Amazonian rhythms. The song has a tribal feel, with pounding drums and rhythmic chanting.

The Reception

Meeting of the Waters was well-received by critics, with many praising Animal Collective's willingness to experiment with unconventional recording techniques. The EP was praised for its ability to capture the spirit of the Amazon rainforest and for its seamless blending of traditional Amazonian music with Animal Collective's own style.


Animal Collective's Meeting of the Waters is a unique and experimental EP that showcases the band's willingness to embrace new sounds and techniques. The collaboration between Animal Collective and the indigenous musicians they worked with results in an EP that captures the spirit of the Amazon rainforest while staying true to Animal Collective's signature sound. Meeting of the Waters is a testament to the power of cross-cultural collaboration and a reminder of the importance of preserving the world's natural wonders.

Comparison Blog Article: Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters


Animal Collective is an experimental pop band known for their unique music style and captivating performances. Their 2017 EP, Meeting of the Waters, showcases the group's ability to blend different genres seamlessly. The record is a collaboration with Brazilian musician, Tazzaio, and was recorded live in Brazil. In this article, we will compare and contrast the songs on the EP, analyzing their lyrics, sound, and overall impact on listeners.


One of the most striking features of Animal Collective's music is their use of abstract lyrics. The songs on Meeting of the Waters are no exception. For instance, in the song Man of Oil, the lyrics describe a person made of oil who is searching for something. The song Blue Noses, on the other hand, features the repeated line, I'm living in the feeling. Despite the cryptic nature of the lyrics, they still manage to evoke strong emotions and imagery in listeners.


Animal Collective's sound is difficult to classify into one genre. Instead, the band incorporates elements of experimental, electronic, and pop music to create a unique sound. On Meeting of the Waters, the group employs a variety of instruments and sounds. For instance, Man of Oil features a driving beat and layers of synthesizers, while Peacemaker incorporates acoustic guitar and vocal harmonies. The title track, Meeting of the Waters, blends all these elements together, creating a dreamy, atmospheric sound that transports listeners to another world.


Another standout feature of Animal Collective's music is their use of unconventional vocals. The three members of the band all contribute lead and backing vocals to the songs. Their style is characterized by harmonies, chants, and falsetto singing. On Meeting of the Waters, the vocals are an integral part of each song. In Peacemaker, Avey Tare's emotive voice takes center stage, while Meeting of the Waters features a haunting choir of voices.


The EP was recorded live in Brazil, and the production quality is exceptional. The instruments and vocals are mixed well, and the songs have a dynamic range of sound. The rawness of a live performance adds a layer of authenticity to the recordings.


Animal Collective's Meeting of the Waters may only be an EP, but it packs a powerful punch. The songs explore themes of nature, identity, and spirituality, and offer listeners a sense of escapism. The unorthodox vocals and unconventional instruments create a dreamlike atmosphere that draws listeners in. Moreover, the EP's collaboration with Brazilian musician Tazzaio adds a layer of cultural exchange and diverse perspectives.

Table Comparison

To summarize the comparison, we can use the following table: | Features | Animal Collective Meeting of the Waters | | --- | --- | | Lyrics | Abstract and evocative imagery | | Sound | Blends experimental, electronic, and pop elements | | Vocals | Unconventional and atmospheric | | Production | Raw and authentic live recording | | Impact | Themes of nature, identity, and spirituality that offer escapism |


In my opinion, Animal Collective's Meeting of the Waters is one of their best works to date. The EP defies genre classification and presents a unique listening experience. The combination of abstract lyrics, unconventional vocals, and diverse instrumentation make the songs stand out from their previous releases. Additionally, the influence of Brazilian culture adds a layer of depth to the record. Overall, Meeting of the Waters is a must-listen for fans of Animal Collective and anyone looking for experimental pop music that breaks the mold.


Animal Collective's Meeting of the Waters is a testament to the band's creativity and experimentation. The EP explores new sounds, themes, and cultures in a way that is both compelling and entertaining. The songs on the EP are complex and multi-layered, yet they manage to create a cohesive listening experience. If you enjoy music that challenges your preconceptions of what pop music can be, then Meeting of the Waters is worth checking out.

Tips and Tutorial: Getting to Know Animal Collective's “Meeting of the Waters”


Animal Collective never ceases to surprise us with their unconventional approach to music. With “Meeting of the Waters,” they explore indigenous folk music, blending it with pop and electronic beats. The result is an ethereal sound that makes you want to dance and reflect at the same time. In this tutorial, we’ll dive deeper into the elements that make up this unique and fascinating song.

Understanding the lyrics

The lyrics of “Meeting of the Waters” are about the Amazon river and how it connects different worlds. The verses describe the flora and fauna of the rainforest, the indigenous people who live there, and the murky waters of the river, which symbolize the merging of different cultures. The chorus is a repetition of “river flows, brings new life,” emphasizing the cyclical nature of existence and the importance of water as a life force.

The instrumentation

One of the most distinctive features of “Meeting of the Waters” is the use of traditional instruments, such as the berimbau, a Brazilian percussion instrument, and the cuica, a friction drum. These instruments give the song an earthy, organic feel that contrasts with the electronic elements. Additionally, the vocals in the chorus are layered with effects, creating a dreamlike atmosphere.

The structure

“Meeting of the Waters” follows a fairly conventional structure, with verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus. However, each section has its own personality, with different rhythms, melodies, and textures. The bridge, for instance, features a sudden shift in tempo and mood, creating a sense of urgency and tension.

The rhythm

The rhythm of “Meeting of the Waters” is complex and multifaceted, reflecting the diversity of cultures that the song celebrates. The underlying beat is a 4/4 groove with a syncopated snare on the third beat, but there are also polyrhythmic patterns played by the percussion and the guitar. The result is a constantly shifting pulse that keeps the listener engaged.

The harmony

The harmony of “Meeting of the Waters” is relatively simple, with a I-IV-V progression in the key of G major. However, there are several unexpected chords that add color and tension to the song. For example, the verse starts with a C7 chord, which is not part of the G major scale. Additionally, the bridge features a sudden modulation to B minor, which creates a darker, more introspective mood.

The production

Animal Collective is known for their experimental production techniques, and “Meeting of the Waters” is no exception. The song features a wide range of textures, from lush pads and shimmering arpeggios to distorted guitars and glitchy percussion. The vocal effects, such as pitch shifting and reverb, add to the otherworldly vibe of the song.

The message

“Meeting of the Waters” is a celebration of biodiversity, cultural diversity, and the interconnectedness of all things. It reminds us of the beauty and fragility of our planet, and the importance of protecting it. The song is a call to action to preserve the rainforest and the communities that rely on it for their survival.

The performance

Animal Collective performed “Meeting of the Waters” as part of a multimedia event called “Tangerine Reef,” which combined music, film, and visual art inspired by the coral reefs of the world. The band played live on a beach in Brazil, surrounded by giant screens displaying colorful underwater scenes. The performance was a transcendent experience that aimed to raise awareness about the environmental crisis facing our oceans.

The reception

“Meeting of the Waters” has received critical acclaim for its innovative approach to blending folk and electronic music, as well as its ecological message. The song has been praised for its haunting melody, ethereal vocals, and intricate rhythms. It has also been described as a spiritual journey that takes the listener to mystical places.


“Meeting of the Waters” is a testament to Animal Collective’s creativity and willingness to explore new sounds and themes. It is a song that invites us to reflect on our relationship with nature, culture, and each other. To truly appreciate this masterpiece, listen to it with an open mind and heart, and let yourself be swept away by its magic.

Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters: A Surreal Experience

If you're a fan of experimental music, then the recent Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters has probably been on your radar for a while. This unique musical project has been making waves around the world for its incredible soundscapes and surreal visuals.

The Meeting Of The Waters tour was a collaboration between Animal Collective and Brazilian visual artist, Felipe Lima. The concert series featured performances in some of the most beautiful and unique locations in Brazil, including a natural amphitheater surrounded by mountains, an abandoned factory, and a remote beach where the river meets the sea.

The music itself was a combination of new material written specifically for this project and reimagined versions of classic Animal Collective tracks. The live performances were highly improvisational, with the artists taking inspiration from the environment around them to create an ever-evolving soundscape that was completely unique to each location.

One of the most striking aspects of the concerts was the incredible visuals created by Lima. Working with a team of local artists and designers, Lima used projection mapping technology to transform the surroundings into a surreal and dreamlike world that perfectly complemented the music. The result was something truly magical and otherworldly.

But it wasn't just the music and visuals that made these concerts so special. The locations themselves were a huge part of the experience. Watching Animal Collective perform in a natural amphitheater as the sun set behind the mountains was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will stay with me forever.

Another highlight of the concerts was the collaboration with local musicians and artists. In each location, Animal Collective invited local musicians to join them on stage for a unique jam session that blended traditional Brazilian music with their own avant-garde sound. It was incredibly inspiring to see such a diverse range of artists coming together to create something truly special.

The Meeting Of The Waters tour was more than just a music concert – it was a celebration of creativity, community, and the beauty of the natural world. It reminded me of the power of art to bring people together and transcend boundaries.

For anyone who missed out on the live concerts, there is still a chance to experience Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters. The project was recorded for a film that will be released later this year, featuring footage from the concerts and behind-the-scenes interviews with the artists. It's sure to be an incredible visual and auditory experience that should not be missed.

In conclusion, Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters was a surreal and unforgettable experience that I will take with me for years to come. The combination of experimental music, stunning visuals, and unique locations made for a once-in-a-lifetime event that truly transcended the boundaries of traditional concerts. So, if you get the chance to experience this project in any form, I highly recommend taking it. You won't regret it.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope it has inspired you to check out Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters for yourself. Remember, there is nothing more powerful than the intersection of art and nature, and this project is a perfect example of that.

People Also Ask About Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters

What is Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters?

Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters is a live album released by the American experimental pop band, Animal Collective. The album was recorded in 2016 during the bands' performances in Brazil, featuring live instrumental versions of their songs.

What songs are included in Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters?

The following songs are included in Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters:

  1. Peacemaker
  2. Kinda Bonkers
  3. Jimi Ravish
  4. Selection of a Place
  5. Cuckoo Cuckoo

When was Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters released?

Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters was released on April 22, 2017.

Is Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters available on streaming platforms?

Yes, Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters is available on various music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal.

Are there any collaborations featured in Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters?

No, there are no collaborations featured in Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters.

Is there a physical copy available for Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters?

Yes, a limited edition physical copy of Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters on vinyl and CD was released by the band. However, it is currently out of stock on their official website.

What type of music does Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters contain?

Animal Collective Meeting Of The Waters contains experimental pop music with a mix of instruments such as synthesizers, guitars, and drums. It features a unique and diverse sound that Animal Collective is known for.