Discover Your Inner Animal with the Playbuzz Quiz - What Animal Are You


Are you curious to know what animal best resembles you? Look no further than the Playbuzz quiz titled What Animal Are You? This interactive quiz has been taking the internet by storm, with millions of participants discovering their inner-animal. Let's explore why this quiz is so popular and what it can reveal about your personality.

First and foremost, people love taking quizzes because it offers a brief escape from reality. Who doesn't enjoy the idea of transforming into an animal for a day? Plus, discovering which animal you share traits with can be a real confidence boost. Suddenly, you may see yourself in a new light- as strong and cunning as a lion or as loyal as a dog.

But what makes this quiz different from others on the internet? It was created by the popular content publisher, Playbuzz, that specializes in creating upbeat and engaging quizzes. They enlisted the help of animal experts to ensure that each question accurately reflects animal behavior and personalities. Real animal facts, paired with engaging graphics make for an unforgettable quiz experience.

So, how exactly does the quiz work? The quiz consists of ten questions with four answer options per question. Each answer is associated with an animal, and after all ten questions are answered, the results will indicate which animal you are most like. But it's not just the end result that's enjoyable- the process of answering the questions and seeing which trait corresponds with each animal can be enlightening.

It's important to note that this quiz isn't meant to be taken too seriously. Just because you receive lion as your result, doesn't mean you need to start actin' like Simba. However, it can offer an interesting perspective on how others view your personality. Perhaps receiving penguin as your result means you're seen as friendly, yet reserved.

Speaking of results, what type of animals can you expect to be compared to? The quiz offers a wide range of options including: lion, wolf, cat, bear, bird, horse, deer, dolphin, penguin, and turtle. Each animal is paired with unique traits such as loyalty, intelligence, and adaptability.

But let's get down to business- what can taking this quiz do for you? For starters, it's an entertaining way to pass the time. However, the quiz can also offer insight into your personality. Are you seen as a leader, like a lion? Or perhaps playful, like a dolphin? Recognizing your personality traits can help guide you in finding a career path that complements them- for example, jobs that require strong leadership skills or creativity.

It's also interesting to compare your result to those of your friends and family members. Do you share traits with a sibling who also got cat as their result? Or did you receive deer when everyone else received wolf? Discussing the results can lead to fun conversations and self-discovery.

Finally, taking this quiz can boost your mood. Seeing yourself as strong and intelligent as an owl or as adorable as a penguin can make anyone smile. Plus, sharing these fun results with others can provide a lighthearted escape from life's struggles.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a way to escape reality and discover more about your personality, the Playbuzz quiz What Animal Are You? is the perfect solution. With engaging graphics, real animal facts, and unique results, it's easy to see why people are flocking to take this quiz. Who knows, you may just discover that you have a little wolf inside of you after all.


Have you ever wondered what animal represents your personality? A Playbuzz Quiz What Animal Are You became a viral sensation, and many people are intrigued to find out their animal spirit. In this article, we will explore the quiz's popularity, psychology behind the animal test, how to take the test, and its implications on your life.

Popularity of Playbuzz Quiz

Playbuzz Quiz What Animal Are You was created in 2014 by Tom-erik Dale and Shaul Olmert, and it quickly became one of the most popular quizzes on the internet. This quiz has been taken by millions of people around the world, including celebrities like Giuliana Rancic, Kim Kardashian, and Kanye West.

Psychology Behind The Animal Test

The Playbuzz Quiz What Animal Are You is based on the concept of animal totems or spirit animals. This concept originated from Native American culture, where people believe that every person has an animal representation that possesses certain qualities and abilities. The animal represents your inner self, and its characteristics reflect your personality traits.

The quiz's psychologist explained that animals possess their unique traits, symbolisms, and energies. Each animal has its significance, and by identifying which animal resonates with you the most, you can use its power to enhance and understand your life better. It is believed that the animal spirit guides you through your life journey and provides you with the guidance and wisdom you need.

Taking The Test

The Playbuzz Quiz What Animal Are You consists of ten questions with multiple-choice answers. These questions evaluate your personality, behaviors, and preferences, and they aim to match you with your animal spirit. The quiz includes colorful images of animals and nature, and it takes approximately two minutes to complete.

The quiz is free and available online for anyone to take. To take the test, you simply need to go to the Playbuzz website or app and look for the quiz. Once you complete the quiz, it will reveal your animal spirit along with an explanation of what the animal represents.

Implications on Your Life

If you believe in animal spirits and totems, taking the Playbuzz Quiz What Animal Are You can have a significant impact on your life. By identifying your animal spirit, you can learn how to connect with its power and energy. You can use its characteristics and qualities to enhance your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

For instance, if your animal spirit is a lion, you may possess the qualities of leadership, confidence, and courage. Knowing this, you can use these attributes to improve your professional and personal life. On the other hand, if your animal spirit is a butterfly, you may represent growth, transformation, and change. Understanding this, you can focus on self-improvement, adaptability, and letting go of old habits.


The Playbuzz Quiz What Animal Are You has become an internet sensation because it provides people with insight into their personalities. By understanding your animal spirit, you can unlock your inner power and use it to navigate through your life journey.

Whether you believe in spirit animals or not, taking the quiz can be fun and entertaining. You can share your results with friends and family and discuss the accuracy of the test's outcomes. Ultimately, the quiz allows us to explore our inner selves and reflect on our personalities, behaviors, and beliefs.

Playbuzz Quiz: What Animal Are You?

The Popularity of Playbuzz Quizzes

Playbuzz is a software as a service platform that allows publishers and marketers to create content items such as quizzes, polls, and surveys. Its quizzes have gained widespread popularity on social media, particularly on Facebook. These quizzes are usually entertaining and can provide insights into users' personalities and preferences. One of these quizzes is the What Animal Are You? quiz, which has become one of the most popular Playbuzz quizzes.

Overview of the Quiz

The What Animal Are You? quiz consists of several multiple-choice questions that ask users about their behavior and preferences. The questions are light-hearted and relate to aspects of the animal's behavior. For example, Do you enjoy being alone or surrounded by people? or Do you prefer taking charge or following others? Based on the answers provided, the quiz generates an animal that best matches the user's personality.

A Comparison of Playbuzz's What Animal Are You? Quiz with Other Personality Tests

1. Traditional Personality Tests

Traditional personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Big Five Personality Traits, are more scientific and less entertaining than the What Animal Are You? quiz. They aim to measure character traits and predict behavior. These types of tests require users to spend more time answering questions and provide more detailed insights into the user's personality. However, they lack the light-heartedness and fun that Playbuzz quizzes offer.

2. Buzzfeed Quizzes

Buzzfeed quizzes are similar to Playbuzz quizzes in terms of their entertainment and lightheartedness. Buzzfeed offers various types of quizzes, including personality tests and knowledge quizzes. However, Buzzfeed quizzes are usually shorter than Playbuzz quizzes and provide less detailed results. While they may be fun to take, Buzzfeed quizzes do not offer as much insight into a user's personality.

3. Other Fun Quizzes

There are numerous fun quizzes available on the internet, but most of them lack the level of interactivity and customization that Playbuzz offers. Many of these quizzes are limited to a single question or basic answers. They are fun, but do not provide users with deeper insights.

Benefits of Taking the What Animal Are You? Quiz

The What Animal Are You? quiz provides several benefits:

1. Fun and Entertaining

The quiz is an enjoyable experience that provides entertainment and a lighthearted way to spend some time.

2. Self-Reflection

By taking the quiz, users can ask themselves questions about their behavior and preferences, which can lead to further self-reflection and personal growth.

3. Social Interaction

The quiz can be shared on social media, which can lead to social interaction and discussion among friends.

4. Introspection

Users can use the quiz as an introspective tool to better understand their strengths and weaknesses and take steps to improve themselves.


Playbuzz's What Animal Are You? quiz is a popular quiz that offers entertainment, insight, and a fun way to engage with social media. Compared to other personality tests, it is less scientific but more lively and entertaining. Whether you take the quiz for fun or introspective reasons, it is sure to provide an enjoyable experience.

Pros Cons
Fun and entertaining Less scientific compared to traditional personality tests
Provides self-reflection opportunities Results may not be accurate or applicable to everyone
Can lead to social interaction among friends Not suitable for serious purposes such as job interviews or counseling
Offers introspective tool May take up a considerable amount of time to complete

Tips and Tutorial on Taking Playbuzz Quiz - What Animal Are You?


Playbuzz is a popular online platform to create and take quizzes. One of the most interesting quizzes on Playbuzz is What Animal Are You? This quiz is unique in every way as it narrates our personalities and behaviours in terms of an animal. In this article, we are going to share some tips and tutorial on how to take this quiz effectively.

Understand the Theme of the Quiz

The first thing to do before taking any quiz on Playbuzz is to understand the theme or the context of the quiz. As the title suggests, What Animal Are You?, you should know that this quiz determines what animal resembles your personality traits the most.

Read the Instructions Carefully

Before starting any quiz, it is essential to read the instructions carefully. The same goes for the What Animal Are You? quiz. Be attentive while reading the questions and selecting your answers. Make sure you have properly understood each question.

Don't Rush

Please don't rush into answering the questions. Take your time and read the questions neutrally. Don't overthink it, but make sure you have chosen the answer that best represents you.

Choose Honest Answers

While answering the questions, make sure you give honest answers. It will help your result to be more accurate. If you're not truthful in your answers, you might get a misleading result, which can leave you dissatisfied with the result.

Answer All the Questions

Do not leave any question unanswered. The quiz requires you to answer all the questions to get a more accurate result. Leaving any question unanswered could impact your outcome.

Be Open-Minded

The idea of resembling an animal could sound a bit odd, but being open-minded about the quiz's result can help you get accurate results. Accept it if you get a result that you were not expecting. You may learn something new about yourself.

Avoid External Interruptions

Distractions can hinder your concentration and affect your answers, making them inaccurate. Thus, it is best to avoid external interruptions during the quiz. Find a peaceful place to sit and take the test.

Compare and Contrast Your Result with Others'

Comparing your results with your friends, family, or colleagues can be fun. It will give you an idea of how your personality traits match with those of animals. Moreover, you can also share your results with others on social media.

Share Your Results

After taking the quiz, you can share your results on social media. It is an opportunity to show off your thoughts and personality to your friends or followers.


To conclude, Playbuzz's quiz on What Animal Are You? can be enjoyable and enlightening. Take it with an open mind, and use the tips mentioned above to get the best possible results. Remember that no result is right or wrong; every participant ends up with an animal that suits their personality. Have fun and share your results with the world!

Discover What Animal You Are with Playbuzz Quiz

Welcome to our website, and thank you for taking the time to read this interesting article about Playbuzz Quiz. Today we would like to explore one of the most popular quizzes available online – What Animal Are You quiz?

Playbuzz Quiz is a fascinating online platform that offers a wide range of quizzes, including personality tests, trivia quizzes, and many more. However, one of the most enjoyable and exciting quizzes is the What Animal Are You quiz.

The quiz is designed to analyze your answers to a series of questions, which are related to your likes, dislikes, habits, and personality traits. Based on your responses, the quiz will reveal your animal spirit, which can be anything from a lion to a butterfly.

The quiz is incredibly simple to take, and it’s suitable for anyone who wants to have some fun and gain insight into their own personality. To get started, all you need to do is visit the Playbuzz Quiz website and locate the What Animal Are You quiz.

Once you have found the quiz, you can begin answering the questions. The quiz is easy to navigate and provides straightforward questions that offer easy answers. Be honest with yourself when answering the questions so that the animal spirit that the quiz reveals is accurate.

As you progress through the quiz, you will notice that the questions are becoming more specific. That is because the aim is to narrow down the choices until only your animal spirit remains.

When you have completed the quiz, the website will reveal your animal spirit in a colorful and engaging way. You will also receive a detailed explanation of your animal spirit, including its characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.

One of the most exciting things about Playbuzz Quiz is that the quizzes aren't just enjoyable but also informative. The What Animal Are You quiz, for example, not only reveals your animal spirit but also provides insight into your personality, which you may not have otherwise realized.

In conclusion, if you want to have some fun and learn a little more about yourself, we strongly recommend taking the Playbuzz Quiz – What Animal Are You quiz. It’s easy, entertaining, and may provide you with surprising insight into your personality and character.

Don't forget to share your results with your friends on social media and invite them to take the quiz as well. Who knows? You and your friends may end up being the perfect pack of animals.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope you found this article informative and insightful. Come back soon for more exciting content!

People Also Ask About Playbuzz Quiz What Animal Are You

What Is the Playbuzz Quiz?

The Playbuzz quizzes are an entertaining and engaging way to find out more about yourself, your interests, and your personality.

What Animal Are You Questions?

The questions in the Playbuzz quiz What Animal Are You? will ask you about your preferences, behaviors, and characteristics. For example:

  • Do you prefer to be alone or with others?
  • Are you more active during the day or night?
  • Do you like exploring new things or sticking to routines?

How Does the Quiz Work?

The quiz works by presenting you with a series of questions with multiple-choice answers. Based on your responses, the algorithm of the Playbuzz quiz calculates which animal best represents your personality.

What Are the Possible Results?

The What Animal Are You? Playbuzz quiz has a range of possible results, including:

  1. Lion
  2. Dolphin
  3. Bear
  4. Wolf
  5. Cat
  6. Dog
  7. Owl
  8. Peacock
  9. Fox
  10. Turtle

What Can You Learn from the Quiz Results?

The quiz results can provide insight into your personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. They can also give you ideas for how to use your strengths to achieve your goals and help you understand how to interact better with others who may have different personality types.