Discover the Poetry in Animal Collective's Man of Oil Lyrics - A Masterpiece of Eclectic Music


Animal Collective is a unique band that has been creating music for more than 20 years. The band is known for its experimental style, and has a loyal fan base. One of the band's most intriguing songs is Man of Oil. This track has some of the band's most thought-provoking lyrics.

Have you ever heard lyrics that make you stop and think? Man Of Oil is one of those songs that sticks with you. One of the most powerful lines comes at the beginning: Man of oil, it doesn't matter where you have to drill. This sentence sets the tone for the entire song.

The song is about the destruction caused by the oil industry. Animal Collective takes a creative approach to this issue. Instead of simply criticizing the industry, they delve into the minds of those who profit from it. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the greed and callousness that drives the oil industry.

Through its lyrics, Man Of Oil tells a story of exploitation, greed, and environmental destruction. The verses depict images of dark forests, polluting factories, and desolate towns. The chorus repeats the haunting refrain: Black gold, all I need is black gold.

When you listen to Man Of Oil, you can feel the emotions behind the lyrics. You can hear the frustration, anger, and sadness in every note. It is clear that the band was deeply affected by the issue of oil industry, and wanted to raise awareness of it through their music.

The song also has an eerie quality that is hard to ignore. The dissonant chords, haunting vocals, and moody instrumentation create a sense of unease. It is as if the song itself is mourning the loss of the environment.

If you are looking for a song that will make you think and feel, Man Of Oil is a must-listen. Its lyrics are powerful, its instrumentation is haunting, and its message is urgent.

What is the solution to the environmental problems caused by the oil industry? Animal Collective doesn't offer a simple answer, but they do call on humanity to reconsider its priorities. The song suggests that the pursuit of profit at any cost is unsustainable. It advocates for a more responsible approach to natural resources.

Ultimately, Man of Oil is a wake-up call. It asks us to consider the consequences of our actions, and to take responsibility for the damage we are causing. It challenges us to be better stewards of the environment, and to work towards a future that is sustainable for all.

In conclusion, Man Of Oil is a powerful song with an important message. It reminds us of the negative impact of the oil industry on the environment, and calls on us to rethink our priorities. The song's lyrics are thought-provoking, its instrumentation is haunting, and its message is urgent. It is a must-listen for anyone who cares about the planet.


Animal Collective is a band known for creating surreal and experimental music that is both catchy and thought-provoking. Their song, Man of Oil, is no exception – with its haunting melody and cryptic lyrics, it leaves listeners wondering about the meaning behind its words.

The Lyrics

The opening lines of Man of Oil set the tone for the rest of the song: A fable or a symphony / A string of days in harmony. The speaker is describing something that could be either a myth or a musical piece, suggesting that what follows may not be entirely grounded in reality.

The next lines are even more enigmatic: The heinous act awaits the breeze / And we anointed him to squeeze. It's unclear who the heinous act refers to, but it seems as though someone has been chosen to carry out this deed.

The chorus of the song repeats the same words – I know, I know – but each time it is sung with a different tone or inflection, making it sound increasingly eerie and ominous. This repetition adds to the hypnotic quality of the song.

As the song progresses, the lyrics become more and more abstract. Lines like The sky is pink and green and blue / And silver strings that ring so true seem to describe a dreamlike landscape rather than anything concrete.

The Interpretation

So what does it all mean? It's impossible to say for sure, as Animal Collective's songs are notoriously open to interpretation. However, one possible reading of Man of Oil is that it is a commentary on the dangers of unchecked power and the destruction that can result from greed.

The repeated references to oil throughout the song – Man of oil, oil of palm, He sat and shone with oily art – could be a metaphor for the ways in which wealth can corrupt and pollute. The idea of anointing someone to squeeze suggests that someone has been given power over others, but that this power will ultimately lead to destruction.

The Melody

Of course, as with all Animal Collective songs, the lyrics are only half the equation. The melody of Man of Oil is haunting and beautiful, featuring ethereal vocals and a melody that seems to float and drift like smoke.

The guitar is used sparsely, and when it appears, it's usually in the form of chiming arpeggios that add a sense of mystery and intrigue to the song.

The Production

One of the most interesting things about Man of Oil is its production. The vocals are layered in such a way that they seem to be coming from all around the listener, creating a sense of immersion in the music.

The use of reverb and echo adds a dreamlike quality to the song, and the percussion is understated but always present, adding a sense of momentum to the piece.

The Impact

Man of Oil was released as a single in 2015, and it quickly became one of Animal Collective's most beloved tracks. Its surreal lyrics and haunting melody made it a favorite among both devoted fans and casual listeners.

While the song may not have a clear message or meaning, its emotional impact and beautiful production make it a work of art that stands on its own.


Man of Oil is just one example of the many strange and wonderful creations that Animal Collective has brought to the world of music. Whether you're a diehard fan or a curious newcomer, it's worth giving this hypnotic and enigmatic song a listen.

Animal Collective's Man Of Oil Lyrics: A Comparison


Animal Collective is an experimental pop band from Baltimore, Maryland. Formed in 2003, the band has released several albums that showcase their unique sound, which is characterized by the use of unconventional instruments and vocal harmonies. One of their most popular songs is Man Of Oil, which was released in 2018 as part of their album Tangerine Reef. The song is a haunting exploration of humanity's relationship with the environment, and it features lyrics that are both poetic and thought-provoking.

The Meaning Behind Man Of Oil

Man Of Oil is an anti-oil anthem that calls for us to recognize how our dependence on fossil fuels is destroying the planet. The lyrics are filled with striking imagery that paints a picture of a world that is rapidly deteriorating. A sample of the lyrics reads:

Down below the waves
A hidden face of mystery
A world beyond our reach
The beauty we can't see
Ain't no laugh when we're lying waste to the sea
Churning black underneath
Sickening creatures at the shore

The song's chorus is equally powerful, repeating the phrase Man of oil, don't you care for me? Animal Collective seems to be asking us to consider how our actions are impacting the planet and its inhabitants.

The Use of Imagery

One of the things that sets Man Of Oil apart from other protest songs is its use of vivid imagery. The lyrics paint a picture of a world that is both beautiful and fragile, and that is being destroyed by human greed and negligence. The line Churning black underneath is particularly effective at conveying the idea of oil pollution, and the phrase Sickening creatures at the shore is a heartbreaking reminder of how our actions are impacting wildlife.

The Rhythm and Melody

While Man Of Oil is a protest song at heart, it's also a great piece of music. The rhythm and melody are hypnotic, drawing the listener in and setting the mood for the rest of the song. There's a sense of urgency to the music that matches the urgency of the lyrics, and the use of layered vocals adds an ethereal quality to the track.

The Lyrics Compared to Other Protest Songs

Compared to other protest songs, Man Of Oil is more poetic and less explicitly political. While some protest songs focus on specific issues or events, Animal Collective's lyrics are more abstract, urging us to reflect on our relationship with the environment in general. This makes the song feel more universal, as it can be applied to a wide range of environmental issues.

The Song's Place in Animal Collective's Discography

Man Of Oil is a standout track on Tangerine Reef, which is one of Animal Collective's most experimental albums to date. The album is a collaboration with Coral Morphologic, a Miami-based organization that creates artworks inspired by coral reefs. The songs on the album are inspired by the coral reef ecosystem, and Man Of Oil is one of several tracks that reflect the band's concern about the impact of human activity on the natural world.

The Impact of Man Of Oil

While Man Of Oil may not have received as much mainstream attention as some other protest songs, it has had a significant impact within Animal Collective's fan community. Many fans have praised the song's lyrics and its message, and it has become a favorite among those who appreciate the band's unique sound and commitment to environmental activism.

The Song's Reception Among Critics

Man Of Oil received mixed reviews from music critics upon its release. Some praised the song's melody and lyrics, while others criticized its lack of specificity when it comes to environmental issues. However, even those who were critical of the song acknowledged its power and the urgency of its message.


Man Of Oil is a haunting and powerful protest song that urges us to reflect on our relationship with the environment. Its use of vivid imagery and hypnotic melody make it a standout track in Animal Collective's catalog, and its message is more important than ever as we face the devastating effects of climate change. If you're a fan of protest music or just appreciate great art, Man Of Oil is a song that you won't want to miss.
Category Animal Collective's Man Of Oil Lyrics Other Protest Songs
Lyrics Vivid imagery, poetic and thought-provoking Varies, some focus on specific issues or events
Message An anti-oil anthem that urges us to reflect on our relationship with the environment Varies, can focus on a wide range of social and political issues
Musicality Hypnotic rhythm and melody, layered vocals Varies

Animal Collective's Man Of Oil Lyrics: A Breakdown


Animal Collective is a band that's known for its raw and exciting sound, but they're also recognized for their poetic and meaningful lyrics. In this article, we'll be diving deep into the meaning behind one of their most captivating songs, Man of Oil. Man of Oil is a track off their album Tangerine Reef. The song's lyrics explore various themes such as human impact on nature, the effects of oil, and the aftermath of natural disasters.

The Lyrics

The song starts with a haunting organ melody accompanied by David Porter's vocals over it. Let's take a closer look at the lyrics:

*Verse 1:*

And all my life I've been swimming A featherless bird without any wings I rest when I'm sleeping And there's no good reason to use bad reasons

David Porter is talking about his life experiences with these lines. He uses the metaphor of a featherless bird without any wings, which suggests that he's had to fight to make it in life. He also talks about taking rest only when he is sleeping, which implies that his life has been full of struggles. The last line is particularly intriguing since he says, there's no good reason to use bad reasons. This line hints at the idea that there's no justification for being selfish.


The silver shines off the water It's like a glimpse of God above But the man of oil keeps on drivin' Like there's no place else left to go

The chorus talks about the beauty of nature and how it's impossible not to feel a little closer to God when you see it. However, it's followed by another metaphor that contrasts this beauty with the man of oil. The man of oil represents greed and reckless behavior in the face of a beautiful natural world.

The Themes

A crucial part of understanding Animal Collective's lyrics is to look at the themes that they explore. Below are some key themes in Man of Oil:

Human Impact on Nature

One of the primary themes that the song explores is the impact of humanity on nature. David Porter sings about the beauty of the water and how it reflects the silver light of God. But then we're hit with the image of the man of oil who keeps on driving, indicating tireless humankind's abuse of our planet without any care for environmental consequences.

The Effects of Oil

Another central theme in the song is the negative impact of oil. The man of oil might indicate the damage caused by oil spills and the destruction of natural habitats. When Porter sings, the silver shines off the water, it doesn't represent only the beauty but also the healthy body of water that oil has been contaminating for decades.

The Aftermath of Natural Disasters

The song also hints at the aftermath of natural disasters. With lines like it's like a glimpse of God above, we can infer that the beauty of nature is temporary. Disasters can happen at any time and wipe out everything, including the beauty of nature.


When it comes to analyzing Animal Collective's songs, there's always more than meets the ear (or even the eye). In Man of Oil, the band uses metaphors and personal experience to address central themes such as human impact on nature, the effects of oil, and the aftermath of natural disasters. It's a song that's not only beautiful to listen to, but it also inspires critical thinking and reflection.

Exploring the Depth of Animal Collective's Man Of Oil Lyrics

Welcome to our blog! Today, we will be taking a closer look at the intriguing lyrics of Man Of Oil by Animal Collective.

The opening lines of the song, Been up all night with a pencil and a spoon, trying to match the rhythm of the moon, sets the tone for what is to come. The imagery used here is vivid yet surreal, hinting at an underlying theme of drug use or addiction.

As the song progresses, the lyrics become more abstract, with references to various natural elements such as wind, fire, and water. The chorus, I'll never know why nobody writes songs about trees, adds a touch of whimsy to the otherwise heavy subject matter.

Throughout the song, there is a sense of urgency, as if the speaker is desperately trying to communicate a message to the listener. Lines such as you've gotta let it deep inside, couldn't take another day, suggest a deep-seated anxiety or pain that can only be alleviated through expression.

The second verse of the song takes on a more political tone, with references to war and imperialism. The lines ignite a flare, burn down my country fair, a stream of oil runs over everyone, juxtapose the destructive nature of conflict with the natural beauty that is being destroyed. The reference to oil is particularly poignant, given the current global climate crisis.

The bridge of the song is particularly haunting, with the repetition of the line do you understand what I'm saying? creating a sense of unease and desperation. It is as if the speaker is pleading for the listener to grasp the gravity of the situation at hand.

The final verse of the song returns to a more personal and introspective tone. The lines ever been in love with a ghost? Does it hurt to remember? suggest a longing for a past love that is no longer present. The use of the word ghost adds an eerie quality to the lyrics, further emphasizing the theme of loss and pain.

In conclusion, Man Of Oil is a song that explores a wide range of themes, from drug addiction to war to lost love. The lyrics are rich with poignant imagery and thought-provoking phrases, making it a truly unforgettable listening experience.

Thank you for reading our blog! We hope you enjoyed this deeper exploration of Animal Collective's Man Of Oil lyrics.

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People Also Ask about Animal Collective Man Of Oil Lyrics

What is the meaning of Animal Collective's song, Man of Oil?

The meaning of the song Man of Oil by Animal Collective is open to interpretation. Some speculate that it may be a commentary on the oil industry and its impact on the environment, while others believe it could be a statement about human greed and excess.

What are some of the key lyrics in Man of Oil?

Some of the key lyrics in Man of Oil include:

  1. Black spots and butterflies
  2. Slit skirts and Rorschach patterns
  3. Let's grapple with the implications of who's oil you take and leave
  4. There's oil stains on our soils

Is Man of Oil a political song?

Many fans and critics consider Man of Oil to be a political song due to its references to environmental issues and the oil industry. However, the band has not stated whether or not they intended the song to have a specific political message.

What is the genre of Man of Oil?

Animal Collective is known for their eclectic and experimental sound, and Man of Oil incorporates elements of psychedelic rock, folk, and electronic music.

What album is Man of Oil featured on?

Man of Oil is featured on Animal Collective's 2011 album Centipede Hz.